RE: SLC21/WK6: Understanding Burns: Types, Causes, and First Aid Responses

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SLC21/WK6: Understanding Burns: Types, Causes, and First Aid Responses

in hive-168205 •  3 months ago  (edited)

Student Name: @isha-rehman
Overall grade: 5.8
Plagiarism Check: Pass
AI Use: no

QuestionWhat the Student Did WellAreas for ImprovementGrading
Question 1Provided the course of action in this specific situation .The answer is too concise. Even though you mentioned wrapping a lose bandage, there's no mention of cleaning the site. Important details are missing such as the student didn't mention prioritizing their own safety first. This is a very important step. There's no mention of gloves or a wrapper.[Grade: 1.2]
Question 2the student listed down the course of action for an electrical burn.There's no mention of wearing PPEs or gloves or prioritizing one's own safety. There are a few grammatical mistakes.[Grade: 1.6]
Question 3Listed the steps of managing an emergency chemical burning scenario.The problem in the first aid was not flushing the burn site for a longer period of time. Atleast 20 minutes of flushing is recommended for a chemical burn. There's no mention of this point. No mention of PPEs[Grade: 1]
Question 4The student managed to present their logic in choosing the answer. The ethics as well as the Triage dictate that the patient with a 2nd degree burn should be treated first as the patient with a third degree burn has his nerves damaged so currently he is not in severe pain whereas the patient with a 2nd degree burn might be going through excruciating pain and if not attended immediately would be left with grave consequences[Grade: 2]
Question 5the student failed to present an infographic. Infographics in the medicine field serve as important tool for having access to more information in a single place. These are typically necessary to have as a first aider.[Grade: 0]

General Feedback: The student has shown an average understanding of this week's course. There were a few shortcomings which I'm sure will be avoided in the upcoming posts.
Thank you.


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