Steemit Engagement Challenge / S11W1 - "Happiness is the highest form of health."

in hive-168205 •  2 years ago 
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Hello friends

Have you ever heard that happiness brings about good luck? Do you know the way you start your day determines how you end it? Happiness does not just bring about good luck, it also helps in a healthy state, so always be happy!

What does the word "happiness" mean to you?

Happiness is the happy state of mind or the enduring state of mind that consist not only of positive emotions but also of a sense that one's life is valued and important.

Happiness is that feeling that you encounter when you know that life is good! It is a state of well-being and contentment.

Happiness is a satisfaction of the mind that flows through the inside and shows on our faces as a smile or laugh.

Do you consider that happiness is a decision of each person?

IMG-20230101-WA0003_1688722621046.jpgmy happy self

Yes, happiness is a personal decision. Happiness is not a result of what someone is doing, it's a choice. Many happy people today realize that happiness is a choice so they have to intentionally choose it every single day. Circumstances of life do not keep happy people hostage neither do they seek happiness in people.

I know people who would say, the circumstances of life choose my happiness state but how can people allow circumstances to keep them hostage? You can choose not to notice the circumstances around you and be happy or you notice it and be sad, angry, or bitter, that's why it's a choice.

What things make you happy? Give an example of an incident that made you happy.

A lot of things make me happy, most especially being in the presence of GOD. The presence of GOD brings out the real me because I feel joyed, happy, smile all over my face, and my voice becomes as loud as possible.

Other things that make me happy are hanging out, attending seminars, swimming, talking with positive thinkers, seeing movies, traveling

IMG_20230520_103850_3.jpgwith my friends at Edo state

Just 2 months ago, I had an event at a very far place from where I reside, precisely Ekpoma, Edo State I was happy when I heard about the event so I picked interest to attend. We traveled with 3 long coaster buses because people came out well for it.

On the bus I joined, I had so much fun, it was all moments of happiness. Then on getting to the event place, the happiness I had having friends around was so much, it was all over my face

Do you think happiness can help your health?

Oh, this is what I know so well. Happiness has been helping my health in so many ways. Happiness doesn't just make me feel better, it improves my health state.

IMG-20230607-WA0001_1688722666147.jpgmy happy self

Happiness makes me sleep better, stay active and eat well. It gives me a stronger immune system, lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases, lowers blood pressure, and keeps me ever young.

I stay happy every day so that I don't get sick because when one is unhappy, you stay bored, sad, moody and that calls for sickness.

Also, staying happy takes away wrinkles from my face. Happiness gives me a very smooth face so that's why I choose happiness every day.

Do you know that happy people are more resistant to colds and even experience faster wound healing?

I invite @eliany @josepha @udyliciouz

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You are right, happiness is contentment and satisfaction. There are many words to use to describe happiness when we experience it. Most times, there are moments a person will remain speechless because the joy is undescribable.
Happiness makes it easy to do a whole lot and be active which contributes to healthy living.

Your points about happiness are definitely correct and I wish you many success in the contest!

Thank you dear friend for the warm response.

You are welcome

Staying happy is a good business. Thanks for the invitation and success to you.

Banyak pelajaran yang bisa saya ambil dalam uraian publikasi anda. Saya senang berada disini bersama orang-orang baik dan berdidikasi. Kebahagiaan memang tercipta dari kita melalui pemberian TUHAN. Kebahagiaan tidak selalu identik dengan kekayaan atau materi, sebab yang tidak punya materi dan kekayaan justru mareka bahagia, untuk itu mari kita ciptakan kebahagiaan itu dalam diri kita masing-masing. Terimakasih @ninapenda salam


Hello @ninapenda

I hope you are doing fine out there. I thoroughly enjoyed your Entry in the competition as you elaborated how happiness and sound health are co-related in so many ways. Happiness is in one's blood and personal choice as everyone is in charge of his/her life.

Great knowledge and sense of humor and hope this is not goanna stop here. Keep the good things coming!

Stay Blessed,


¡Saludos amiga!🤗

Absolutamente todos los seres humanos estamos facultados para ser feliz y, decidir serlo, es un acto de amor inmenso que nos podemos dar por lo tanto, esto nos deja en evidencia que, de nuestra parte queda si somos felices o no.

En lo personal, me gusta cuando hacemos que la felicidad sea un hábito de vida porque, eso indica que queremos vivir plenamente.

Un fuerte abrazo💚

If you want happiness in life, help other people. Humanity is a passion that makes people happy.