Steemit Philippines - Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 (Week 3) || “Silver Lining"

in hive-169461 •  2 years ago 

My daughter and her kids looking for that silver lining

One of the first proverbs I got to learn as a child was, “Every cloud has a silver lining.”

Little did I know that it is also the proverb that I will experience more than once in my life as difficult situations follow us humans wherever we go.

Our brains work in peculiar ways. If I look back the bad memories I’ve experienced over the year are those moments that I remember the longest. Can it be that it is a sort of a survival technique? A reminder not to make those mistakes again?

It is a proven fact that if you ask your family, friends, or your colleagues to tell you about their day 80% of them will tell you about the low they experienced and not the high. You will get to hear about a mobile phone that fell in the water, getting stuck without petrol, waking up with a headache… and more.

What they forget is that billions of people on Mother Earth still don’t have phones like them, millions cannot afford the luxury of a car that they are driving, and they woke up while others die in their sleep.

Turning the pages of my diary I can with all honesty say, “Yes your honor, I’m guilty. I often forget that every cloud has a silver lining”.

My first story to tell

Growing up in an “Afrikaans” household our parents were very strict and also very protective over us. On the flip side, it was also our parents that supported us and that gave us only the best of what they could afford.

We were not rich but I always said that we were one of the richest families when measured in love.

When I was to start my second last year of school my parents decided that we were going to move back to the town where they grew up and the three of us children were born. They decided that I had to go to boarding school to start schooling right at the beginning of the school year. Once they have sold the house they will be moving and then I can leave boarding school.

My boarding school - "Ons Hoop - Hoer Volkskool" (We hope)

Oh, I hated boarding school. It was just not for me. I missed my dad covering my school books and drawing my pictures for me. I missed my mom’s food and the effort she put into getting us ready for school. Believe it or not, I missed my brother and sister. There was no one to fight with. I wanted to go home!

The day that I could close the hostel door behind me was one of the most joyful days of my life.

How I felt:

I was cross with my parents. I was frustrated with the hostel rules. I cried when I could not go home over weekends. The living conditions were not as comfortable as what I had at home. Oh yeah, I had to eat green beans, baked beans, and bean soup. Urggh!

Looking back now I think that mentally it had a huge impact on me.

The moral of the story:

Deep down I have to admit that hostel life prepared me for my adult life. I become more independent and more assured of myself which contribute to me being the strong person I am today.
Today, I love eating green beans, baked beans, and bean soup.

“Every cloud has a silver lining.”

My second story to tell

I just started work, a girl from the country in the big wicked city.

I worked during the day and studied after hours. Very soon I made friends at work and college. It happened that one of my friends asked me to consider moving in with her. We earned enough to afford a nice three-bedroom townhouse in an upmarket suburb.

Within a few days, I moved out of the college residence. I was now staying in a luxurious apartment with my friend. Let’s call her Carol.

Carol and I worked together. She also worked at one of the racing courses cleaning the stables early in the morning. Soon I was also there working alongside her earning an extra income. Now, the Durban July is the biggest horse racing event in my country.

Clouds with silver linings at the horses

It seemed that the dream of attending this event was mine to be as she got us two tickets.

I was designing fashion when I had a free moment and all I wanted was to watch the fashion parade.

Carol told me that some of the jockeys asked her to drive down to Durban with some of their belongings as they didn’t have enough space for everything and in return, they will pay for our petrol and accommodation. Now, what more can we ask for?

Two days before the event I was told that I had to attend a seminar on the complete opposite side of the country. I tried everything to get out of attending this event but to no avail. I had to go.

I was so disappointed and yes, I threw a tantrum. All of a sudden a heavy and dark cloud was resting on my shoulders. It was with tears in my eyes that I waved Carol goodbye as she left that Thursday morning.

Hours later and there was no word from Carol. I had no idea where she was. A day passed, two days that I have not heard from her. In the meantime, I could watch the event and the fashion from a television that was in my room where I was attending the seminar.

Monday morning and I had to discover that they arrested Carol at a roadblock for drugs. Those “belongings” she had to take down for the jockeys were not just any belongings.

It could have been me!

How I felt:

I was very sad. Sad to think that people can actually do this to other people and get away with it. Although it affect me emotionally at the time I could learn from it and move on.

The moral of the story:

This whole episode taught me that when something is too good to be true, there is a far deeper meaning to it. I was not caught with drugs plus I got to watch the fashion I so wanted to see. Sometimes Father Luck is on our side.

“Every cloud has a silver lining.”

My third story to tell

For 7 long years, I prayed for our house to be sold. I had 10 items on my prayer list and one by one I ticked them off. This is within months of each other. Selling our house was a different story.

Our house was situated on a hill from where we overlooked the city of Johannesburg as far as the eye could see. Often the clouds over the city were dark and mysterious. I told my husband that it is these clouds that are stopping us from selling our house.

First, we had a buyer but at number 99 he decided to cancel. Then we had two buyers and Covid-19 came along. Little do I need to tell you what happened.

Altogether, 8 potential buyers and no sale.

In the end, we had to sell our property for far less than what it was in the market for and also under the market value just to get rid of it. Financially it left a big hole in our pockets.

How I felt:

This whole episode of selling our house and the financial impact thereof left not only me but also my husband mentally and emotionally drained. It was indeed 7 long years.

The moral of the story:

At the time we sold our house, had to move, find a new home, and start all over again in a town where we know nobody it felt like a gigantic task. I truly didn’t know how we were going to do it.

On our first morning in town, we went to the beach at sunrise. I looked at the sky and saw this thick black cloud. It was my husband who said. “Look at that cloud. It has a silver lining.” As the black cloud moved away it left a cloud in the background with a silver lining. I immediately took a photo of it and add a message to it.

We found our silver lining in the town of Ballito, South Africa

Now nearly 10 months later we are so happy. We still have a way to go and I think that for years to come it will be very difficult for us to comprehend how it felt when that silver lining was handed to us.

“Every cloud has a silver lining.”

My message

Regardless of our financial stress, the mental stress we go through, and the political turmoil the fact remains that somewhere in the world there is always someone worse off.

Some countries are going through war. There are countries where kids are dying of famine. Countries where there is no water to drink and countries where the usage of drugs and human trafficking is increasing minute by minute.

For those that are going through difficult times… Open your eyes, look around you, and start a gratitude journal.

"You got this!”
“Keep on keeping on!”
“All you need to do is to give it your best!” And…
“Every cloud has a silver lining.”

My outlook for 2023 and my plan

One thing is certain and that is that the problems of the world are not my responsibility. Nobody can keep me accountable for the crime, the poverty, the stealing of funds, or the shortage of electricity in my country. It is up to me to look after myself.

Take it one day at a time!
This is my motto and my plan for the year. I know that by doing this 2024 will be the year of happenings.

How do I want to achieve this?

  • I want to stop complaining and whining instead I can choose gratitude, go down on my knees every day, and thank my Heavenly Father for my daily bread.
  • I want to get rid of negativities and fill my life with positivity.
  • I want to open my purse and experience the feeling of giving.
  • I want to turn prestige down and look for modesty.
  • I want to walk away after I have turned the other cheek.
  • I want to put my priorities last and those of my family first.

In the end, every dark cloud has that silver lining that can blind us if we stare at it long enough.

Keurboomstrand, South Afriva


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Sad to hear about your friend Carol. But I am glad you were spared from that predicament. It could have been you!

You are right, somewhere out there another person is in a worst situation that we are. Let's be grateful in all things.

About the gratitude journal, My husband and I with our little children started a gratitude jar in which everyday we write something that we are thankful of and put it in our jar. It gives us happy and grateful feeling for little and big things or events in our lives.

Thank you for sharing your stories.

a gratitude jar

Oh wow! What a beautiful thing to do. I am dead sure that when you sit one day and read everything you have written it will only bring great pleasure.
I am going to tell my daughter about this idea of yours. I'm sure they are going to LOVE it!
Thanks for the visit and the engagement! 🎕

my children are enjoying writing gratitude notes to put in the jar. I'm sure your daughter will love it.

Date Evaluated: Mar 15, 2023

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Thanks for the evaluation! 🎕

Aquí estás de nuevo motivándome a seguir involucrándome en estas cosas 😄... gracias seguro aceptaré el reto por parecer interesante.!! Pero antes voy a decir algunas cosas sobre su artículo!

Hoy, me encanta comer judías verdes, frijoles horneados y sopa de frijoles.

Creo que después de saber las cosas que has comido las judías verdes y la sopa de frijoles se convierten en platos de lujo.!!! 😄

Respecto al tema creo que son los momentos duros los que forjan nuestro carácter para convertirnos en mejores personas y por supuesto, ese tipo de procesos suele ser doloroso.

Siempre digo que las cosas que necesitamos para vivir (tierra, oxigeno, sol y agua) se nos han dado de forma gratuita, somos nosotros los que vivimos buscando en nuestras experiencias excusas para no ser felices (tenemos una naturaleza complicada supongo).

Odiaría estar en un internado, sería como estar preso y amo mi libertad 😅.

Respecto a su amiga, a veces se nos presentan cosas con apariencias tan buenas que el desear que sea verdad nos impide desconfiar, seguro ella tambien saco algo positivo de esa nube negra.

Y en la venta de su casa creo que no ha incluido al pequeño estafador que abusó de su buena voluntad, supongo que de eso también pudo aprender algo.

Lo importante es que al mirar atrás no solo pueda ver las cosas que han ocurrido sino quién era usted antes y quien es ahora gracias a esas experiencias.

Que Dios bendiga sus planes y proyectos por venir, dándole salud, fuerzas y éxito en lograrlos.!

And here you go again! (•ิ‿•ิ)
You never disappointed me in your comments. If you think that my post is uplifting then you've underestimated yourself.
I always find so much inspiration from your comments. Thank you!

Hopefully it will be a 2nd round for you when you write your post. I will for sure keep my fingers cross.

You are right, experiences makes us who we are do today. Sometimes it take us a long time to realize this. I now understand when my mom told us that age brings wisdom. All these lessons are put in a box and once the box overflows you cannot stop it.

Dark clouds with silver linings... we need to ride those clouds!

"You got this!”
“Keep on keeping on!”
“All you need to do is to give it your best!” And…
“Every cloud has a silver lining.”

very inspiring,
Thank You

There is never a sortage of quotes we can take with us We just need to find them and remember them.

Thank you for the visit and the engagement!

👍🙏🙏 thaks

Indeed every cloud has a silver lining, learning to adjust to a situation you know is aweful really pains like eating beans, beans soup etc but looking at a bright side like the nutrients beans can provide us comfort.
Keep on going, all you need to do is to give it the best
I will also cherish that advice and I will always make use of it in my day to day activities

Haha! I had to laugh at what you wrote about the beans. You sounded just like my mom. "Eat your beans! They are full of nutrients." (•ิ‿•ิ)
Luckily I grew up and now I love them.
This demonstrates clearly how wonderful life can be... just keep on going and give it your best as you have pointed out,
Thanks for the visit!

Hola @joya, realmente me encantó leerte y te felicito por tu valentía y por sacar lo positivo de todas esas situaciónes penosas que te sucedieron. La vida nos coloca en posiciones a las que tenemos que buscarle la explicación más correcta y razonable para poder sobrevivir.

Gracias por expresarlo de esta forma.


Thank you for reading my post! It is always nice to see new names commenting on a post. (•ิ‿•ิ)
You are right, in all situations we need to find those solutions that will put us on the path of recovery.
So often it take some time. We must just not give up!

What a mania for us to see the bad in everything, so beautiful that it is to say: I'm fine, I'm complete!

You have made me reflect and go to write my entry, it is that we are lucky to be here today.

There is no evil that does not come for good, as I love this phrase, it is that good does not forge us for the future and how uncertain it is, difficulties are what forge our character and train us for the next stone on the road.

Oh dear, what a great read you have given me.

Hug from here to South Africa.

Good morning!

How lucky am I that it is a new day, I am alive and I have your comment to read!

There is no evil that does not come for good

I cannot help but to also fall in love with this phrase. It is beautiful.
Thank you for the engagement and the hugs! 🎕

PS: I cannot wait to read your post.

@patjewell greetings
Life is not always smoothly moving as you wrote three life incidents which changed your life totally.
The incident you faced with your friend thank God he saved you from this and didn't caught in drug. Sometimes life happening are for betterment of us at that time we couldn't know it but later on realize them cloud is silver lining although you was depressed but in later life you got a lesson from it.
Best wishes

That's so true. We don't understand it when things happens and we often rebel against it just to discover that in the end there was a deeper meaning to it.
We can only learn from these dark clouds and look for those silver linings.
Thank you for the engagement with my post. It is appreciated! 🍦

This is really an inspiring story of you sister. Just hoping that whatever your plans in 2023 or in the coming years will be come true. Thanks for sharing your thoughts because it really means alot.

Thank you for the visit and the engagement with my post. When we write a post it is always a case of wondering if it will be accepted by the reader. Getting a comment like yours just add that last full stop. Thank you!
For once in my life my plan is to live my life.
We take life too serious and this I want to work on the me. With that my other goals and plans will come.
Good luck for finding those silver linings.

Your welcome sis. That's right, not only the writer is interested to read it but also others whom can read it.

Sometimes we ignore those silver lining but in reality it is really an advantage. Same to you sis goodluck...

Thank you! 🎕


Wow! Your stories left me pinned to my seat, it's like reading three posts in one each movie. ha ha!

In the first one being at boarding school was very hard as it's not easy at all to be away from home, away from family. It was a prison but one that taught you to appreciate family more than ever, as well as recognizing your parents' efforts to stand up in hard times. This situation strengthened your character, your sense of responsibility and independence. Every cloud has a silver lining.

In the second quasi-cop story, Carol was never a good person, appearances can be deceiving, nothing can be that good without you having to pay the price. Fortunately, someone who loves you somewhere in the Universe took you by the hand and pulled you away from that bad company. You will never forget that story.

In the third story, the sale of a house took 7 long years, indicating that the general economy was not doing well and the pandemic came in to make that cloud even darker. But it's all over now, it's not worth complaining, because there are so many shortages and poverty around us that we are often reluctant to see. There is always someone who could be worse off.

I loved reading you, you have left great teachings with your life experiences and you have sown a halo of light and hope in the midst of this chaotic world.

Greetings and I send you a big hug.

Your turn to give me a beautiful comment to read. Thank you!

I once helped an attorney friend of mine. I told him that the case he was defending was not fair as I knew deep down the man was guilty.
His answer was that life is not fair. I could not agree with him but with time I got to learn the true meaning of his words.

If life was fair it would have been pretty boring.
If life was fair what would have challenged us?
If life was fair we would never have learned from it.
If life was fair we would have missed those silver linings.

Let’s take each day as it comes, living in its fairness.

Thanks for the stop and the engagement ☕️

Such is unfair life. Nothing can be perfect. Mistakes are there to learn from and enrich our lives with wisdom every day.


Interesting story, I read your post carefully. I live it and can feel the Story you're conveying.
Living in a dormitory is a difficult choice to accept especially when we still want freedom, but in the end it pays off when we grow up.
I can feel that, but our personalities are formed there. We will live in high self-reliance and discipline and that is the standard of good living.
Cerita really inspires me,, success continues my mother 👍

"Danie" is a common name used by Afrikaners, a native from South Africa. I will this see your name as the man Danie who is a chef. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Thank you for the visit to my post and the engagement. It warms my heart that my post inspired you.
Often those silver linings just right in front of us. We just need to open our eyes.

You're right my mom,, I'm a cook chef.
In between my busy trades I had time to write here, although not as active as you are. But I will try 👌

Just do what you can do but one thing you must do, vote 25 posts at 50% every day! :-)

Aprendemos de esas nubes oscuras es así como aprendemos a conocer la vida y valoramos lo que tenemos, definitivamente creemos que tenemos problemas y lo tenemos pero siempre habrá alguien en peor situación, que debemos agradecer lo sucedido y disfrutar lo poco o mucho que tengamos .


You've nailed! Lets enjoy the little or much that we have.
And, lets do it to the fullest.
Thank you for the visit and the engagement.

Saludos amiga

Las decepciones son frustrantes y nos enseñan muchas cosas como no dar demasiada confianza a otros que no la valoren.

Que en este año tus planes o metas se hagan realidad y que es bueno conocer que todo lo vivido tiene una moraleja.

Gracias por compartir.

Thank you for the visit, the engagement and your beautiful wish.
If only we don't give up looking for those silver linings we will save ourselves a lot of time and heart sore as often the answers are right under our noses. Or should I say, right in front of our eyes? (•ิ‿•ิ)

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @scilwa, which is a curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community. We can also be found on our hive community & peakd as well as on my Discord Server

Manually curated by @abiga554

Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @scilwa. También puedo ser encontrado en nuestra comunidad de colmena y Peakd así como en mi servidor de discordia

Thank you! It is appreciated!

Saludos mi Apreciada amiga @patjewell

Es un gusto leerte siempre.

Nos presentas tres historias de tu vida que son realmente dignas de contar y muy motivadoras.

Cada una con su historia de amor, otras de dolor y tristeza pero con Enseñanzas que como dices te han servido para la vida,

A veces nos quedamos viendo el lado negativo de las cosas sin saber que muy en el fondo todo tiene su lado Positivo, y que si la nube está gris es porque lloverá pero después volverá a ser blanca, porque en la vida hay días oscuros que no deben oscurecer nuestras vidas.

Dios permita que logres cada una de las cosas que quieres alcanzar, que sin duda te harán ser una mejor persona y te permitirán estar en paz con el ser único y maravilloso que eres.
Un abrazo mi bella amiga.

Cómo siempre una entrada genial.

Abrazos. 🤗🤗💞💞✨✨

Thank you! Your beautiful comment made me happy this morning.
It suppose it is in the nature of humans to first look at the negative side of things and then later at the positive and that is what I want to accomplish. I first want to find the good in every situation but oh my word, it is not an easy task.
They say after 21 times it becomes a habit but in my case it looks more like 100000021 times. It just shows you, I am human. (•ิ‿•ิ)

My friend, you have selected three good stories to share with us, and in each of them, there is a life lesson.
Boarding school helped you experience a side of life you hadn't known, and you learned to value even beans.
In the second story, you learned to know that people are not completely known until they have lived through different experiences and that in the midst of everything I believe that God delivered you from the most unpleasant side of history.
And with respect to your house, well, there are things that, although it may not seem like it in the material world, have more value: peace, the tranquility of being in a place you like.

Thanks for sharing your experiences, and thanks for the invite. Greetings and blessings.

You always knows just what to say! Thank you! 🎕

peace, the tranquility of being in a place you like

One thing I have learned over the last few years is that the material things in life doesn't count when looking for happiness. It is like you've said, peace and being in a place that you like is what counts.
Often we need to learn this in hard way.
Thank you for the visit and the engagement. I hope to see your post soon as I could just see how you will rise to this topic hence the invite.

Yes dear, I will be writing this entry, I hope you like it when you see it😄

I just now that I am not going to like it.
I am going to LOVE it! (•ิ‿•ิ)

Saludos y bendiciones amigo. Me gusto esta parte donde dice.... Quiero deshacerme de las negatividades y llenar mi vida de positividad. Esa es la actitud correcta. Dios me lo bendiga y siga siempre por el buen camino.

Awh thank you! ☕
Blessing to you also.

Not all that glitters is gold i felt sorry for Carol for suffering of the crime she is innocent off and this has been the story of some people out there. Moving to a new place comes with alot of stress, am happy it pays at the end.

Que triste lo de tu amiga carol... entiendo eso lo hemos escuchado muchas veces de gente que ha sido engañada con estas cosas... ¡como nos cuesta decir que no a veces!

It is that carrot in front of the donkey...
So often we see them and believe in them just to find that it was never mend to be.
That is when we experience those hard times and we need to pick ourselves up to find those silver linings.
Thank you for the visit and the engagement!

After we have found those silver lining must enjoy them.
Nice post

Come on, get back into action!
I would love to see those stats posts again.

We all have some good and some bad memories. WE want to forget some and treasure some for ever. I have not seen a single person in my life who was all happy or all sad. You mentioned that you disliked hostels; I disliked them as well, but I accepted them because my father refused to let me join the state cricket team after my 10+2 and instead sent me to engineering college.I stopped playing cricket but mastered badminton.

However, the last two years have been the worst for my mental health, even though I did not suffer from a financial crisis. I hope to go back and resume my work in a few weeks' time, but for now, Steemit will remain with me. I wish you the best for everything in your life.

"all happy or all sad"
Truer words than this I have not read in a long time. We have so much to be thankful for even in our darkest moments.
Take you for an example. You went through difficult times the last two year but still you did not suffer from a financial crisis. Amen!
I keep on my fingers and my toes cross that things will turn for you.
As for Steemit.. keep on writing, supporting and voting and you will benefit. I told you before, you have great potential!