Achievement 1 : Verification through introduction by @aftabirshad||27|06||2024

in hive-172186 •  3 days ago 

My name is Aftab Irshad I am from Punjab province of Pakistan and I am 15 years old.I live in Dharme, a small village in Punjab province.I am a native of Pakistan since my childhood.
I began my primary school in the year 2013 and completed it in 2018 which I then gained admission into secondary school.I gave the annual exam of ninth class in the month of March 2024.Now my matric studies are going on after that I will think about what to do next.
My hobbies
I have a passion for the following things:I love reading books, playing cricket and watching the crops in the rainy season.
How I got to Know about Steemit
All thanks to my friend @lifehappy for introducing me to this great platform Steemit which without him telling and coaching me, till date I wouldn't have known about this platform Steemit. My coming to Steemit was through the help and support of, who has been constantly telling me about the Steemit platform. I have known him for a long time now.
I want to thank all the friends whose post I trusted the steemit
@trafalgar ,@disconnect ,@rme ,@cjsdns ,@snft
Special thanks
Newcomers' Community admin


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