Your name and age: Brad Heineck (58 years young) and Bob Schrupp (61 years young)
A country where you reside now: We live in the USA
Your area of work or your study: We are both Physical Therapists
Your experience with crypto: We are new to crypto in the last few months.
Your hobby and passion, dislike: We both enjoy staying active, being outdoors, spending time with our families and helping others to live healthy, fit and pain-free. Brad is into swimming and running. Bob enjoys spending time at his cabin with family.
What sort of posts written by others are you looking for: We like reading inspirational stories of people overcoming obstacles in life, learning new and creative ways to stay active and fit, and pictures or new places.
What sort of posts do you think you'll be creating (these can change, so don't feel locked in.): We provide videos offer the best "get fit , stay healthy, and pain-free" information directed toward people 0 to 101 years old.
How you found Steemit and what you hope to accomplish here: We found Steemit while researching new platforms to help spread our desire to offer videos to help people help themselves live healthy, fit and pain-free lives.