Ciao a tutta la bellissima famiglia di Steemit, sono così felice di far parte di questa piattaforma!
Mi chiamo Emma e qui su Steemit potete trovarmi con l’username di @emma7773.
Sono nata a gennaio in Italia, più precisamente in Lombardia, dove sono nata e cresciuta con i miei genitori.
Sono cresciuta come figlia unica, non ho né fratelli né sorelle.
Entrambi i miei genitori sono italiani, nati e cresciuti in Lombardia anche loro.
Purtroppo la vita, fin da piccola, mi ha messo davanti a degli ostacoli, come la perdita di mio papà agli otto anni, una perdita su cui in passato ed ancora oggi ho sofferto e ne sto soffrendo molto.
Già dalle scuole medie avevo le idee chiare, avrei successivamente voluto andare a studiare lingue, perciò decisi anche di partecipare ad un corso di inglese che a metà anno mi avrebbe potuto conferire un diploma di inglese, amavo ed amo questa lingua!
Lo passai a pieni voti ed è forse stata una delle prime volte dove mi sentii veramente fiera di me stessa.
L’anno dopo mi trovavo già alle superiori, per me è stato un grandissimo cambiamento, ma nonostante ciò, ho sempre cercato di impegnarmi al massimo.
Nel mio liceo studio tre lingue : inglese, spagnolo e cinese.
Non ho ben chiaro cosa fare dopo il liceo, ma probabilmente frequenterò un’università anche se la mia indecisione persiste pure su di essa : non so se continuare il percorso delle lingue, frequentare giurisprudenza o intraprendere il percorso di criminologia.
I miei studi non sono sempre stati semplici, le persone intorno a te continuano a complimentarsi per la tua bravura, per il tuo impegno e per la tua dedizione, ma nessuno sa veramente cosa ci sia dietro : andare a dormire tardi, svegliarsi stanchi e non riuscire a portare a casa un buon voto nonostante il tuo impegno.
Ho tantissimi hobby e cose che mi piacciono, ma le principali sono : giocare a pallavolo, fare l’animatrice, viaggiare, ascoltare la musica, le lingue e fare snorkeling al mare.
La musica per me è stata una compagna di vita fin da piccola, ai sei anni, mio papà mi faceva ascoltare Justin Bieber dal suo telefono, ora invece, ho una playlist di Spotify piena di canzoni di The Weeknd e raggaetton in generale.
Lo snorkeling è nato invece da una mia vacanza in Egitto, dove un giorno feci questa esperienza che mi lasciò senza parole, così i giorni dopo, stavo sempre in mezzo al mare con la testa giù e la schiena rivolta al sole per contemplare tutti quei pesci meravigliosi dai colori a dir poco unici.
Passando alle cose che non mi piacciono invece, direi che ce ne sono molte, ma le principali sono : le persone in ritardo, il sedano, deludere le persone a cui tengo, le cose fatte di fretta e male, la poca precisione, la matematica ed il latino.
Purtroppo quest’ultime, cioè la matematica ed il latino non fanno per me, sono proprio negata, ogni volta che ho queste due materie durante la giornata non vedo l’ora finiscano ancora prima di iniziare.
La poca precisione invece, si lega molto alle cose fatte di fretta e male, odio non essere precisa nelle cose che faccio, sbagliare e non poter correggere, vedere altre persone svolgere compiti assegnati o fare cose tanto per farle, senza attenzione.
Ho scoperto Steemit grazie ad un amico che fa parte del team di @cur8 che mi ha introdotta a questa piattaforma, dicendomi che avrei potuto scrivere e condividere cose che mi piacciono, avrei potuto esprimermi al meglio, condividere la mia passione e tutta la dedizione che ho in tutte le cose che faccio.
Per questo lo devo davvero ringraziare al meglio, anche perché quando feci i miei primi post le persone, fin da subito sono state estremamente gentili e mi hanno supportata come se fossi su questa piattaforma da tanto tempo, quindi grazie davvero a tutti!
Su Steemit spero di fare tanti post riguardanti viaggi che sono appunto una mia passione ma oltre a quello, mi piacerebbe portare anche notizie, la quotidianità, argomenti che sento miei e cercare di farli comprendere alle persone per come li vedo io, positivi o negativi che siano.
Su Steemit inoltre mi piacerebbe che le persone possano vedere i miei post come veritieri e genuini.
Spero anche che le persone percepiscano tutto l’impegno e il lavoro che metto dietro ad ogni post cercando di renderlo il migliore possibile.
Per farvi sapere di più su di me, ho pensato ci potesse stare aggiungere alcune mie curiosità.
- La mia passione per la criminologia deriva da quando ero piccola, mia mamma spesso guardava serie tv o film che comprendevano omicidi e la loro risoluzione e molto spesso li guardavo e li guardo con lei.
- Mi piace stare sveglia fino a tardi, mi potrei definire una “night owl”.
Non mi piace andare a dormire presto, e se lo faccio è perché sono veramente stanca, per esempio dopo gli allenamenti.
Da questo fattore però, si può intuire che non mi piaccia svegliarmi presto. - Mi piace molto scrivere.
- Il mio genere di libri preferiti sono i romanzi.
- Il mio film preferito è “John Wick 4”.
- Sono molto testarda e se mi metto in testa qualcosa la porto avanti fino alla fine.
- Mi sono sempre piaciuti i cavalli e l’equitazione.
In questo post mi sono “rivelata” e ho parlato di me stessa sperando che qualcuno abbia le mie stesse passioni o che capisca emotivamente anche solo un paragrafo di questa descrizione.
Per concludere vorrei ringraziare tutti voi lettori che siete arrivati alla fine di questo post, grazie per aver letto la mia presentazione e grazie per l’attenzione.
⚠️Le foto sono tutte di mia proprietà⚠️
Fotocamera : iPhone 12 Pro
Grazie mille e alla prossima!
Hello to all the beautiful Steemit family, I am so happy to be part of this platform!
My name is Emma and here on Steemit you can find me with the username of @emma7773.
I was born on the 10th of January in Italy, more precisely in Lombardy, where I was born and raised with my parents.
I grew up as an only child, I have neither brothers nor sisters.
Both of my parents are Italian, born and raised in Lombardy too.
Unfortunately, life, since I was little, has put me in front of obstacles, such as the loss of my father at the age of eight, a loss on which in the past and still today I have suffered and I am suffering a lot.
Already from middle school I had clear ideas, I would later wanted to go to study languages, so I also decided to participate in an English course that in the middle of the year could have given me an English diploma, I loved and I love this language!
I passed it with the highest marks and it was perhaps one of the first times I felt really proud of myself.
The following year I was already in high school, for me it was a huge change, but despite this, I always tried to do my best.
In my high school I study three languages: English, Spanish and Chinese.
I'm not sure what to do after high school, but I'll probably attend a university even if my indecision persists on it: I don't know whether to continue the language course, attend law or take the criminology course.
My studies have not always been easy, the people around you continue to compliment you for your skill, your commitment and your dedication, but no one really knows what's behind it: going to bed late, waking up tired and not being able to bring home a good grade despite your commitment.
I have many hobbies and things that I like, but the main ones are: playing volleyball, being an animator, travelling, listening to music, languages and snorkelling at the sea.
Music has been a life partner for me since I was little, when I was six years old, my dad made me listen to Justin Bieber from his phone, now instead, I have a Spotify playlist full of songs from The Weeknd and raggaetton in general.
Snorkelling was born instead from a vacation of mine in Egypt, where one day I had this experience that left me speechless, so the days after, I was always in the middle of the sea with my head down and my back facing the sun to contemplate all those wonderful fish with unique colours.
Moving on to the things I don't like instead, I would say that there are many, but the main ones are: people who are always late, celery, disappointing the people I care about, things done in a hurry and badly, the lack of precision, mathematics and Latin.
Unfortunately, the last ones, that are mathematics and Latin are not for me, I'm really disappointed, every time I have these two subjects during the day I can't wait for them to finish even before they start.
The lack of precision, on the other hand, is linked a lot to things made in a hurry and badly, I hate not being precise in the things I do, making mistakes and not being able to correct, seeing other people performing assigned tasks or doing things just to do them, without attention.
I discovered Steemit thanks to a friend who introduced me to this platform, telling me that I could write and share things I like, I could express myself at best, share my passion and all the dedication I have in all the things I do.
For this I really have to thank him to the best, also because when I made my first posts the people, right from the start, were extremely kind and supported me as if I were on this platform for a long time, so thank you all very much!
On Steemit I hope to make many posts about trips that are precisely my passion but in addition to that, I would also like to bring news, everyday life, topics that I feel mine and try to make people understand how I see them, whether they are positive or negative.
On Steemit I would also like people to see my posts as truthful and genuine.
I also hope that people perceive all the commitment and work I put behind each post trying to make it the best possible.
To let you know more about me, I thought I could add some of my curiosities.
- My passion for criminology comes from when I was little, my mom often watched TV series or movies that included murders and their resolution and very often I watched them and I watch them with her even now.
- I like to stay up late, I could call myself a "night owl".
I don't like going to bed early, and if I do it's because I'm really tired, for example after training.
From this factor, however, you can guess that I don't like waking up early. - I really like writing.
- My favourite kind of books are novels.
- My favourite movie is "John Wick 4".
- I'm very stubborn and if I put something in my head I carry it on until the end.
- I have always liked horses and horseback riding.
In this post I "reveled" myself and talked about myself hoping that someone has the same passions as me or that they emotionally understand even a paragraph of this description.
To conclude I would like to thank all of you readers who have reached the end of this post, thank you for reading my presentation and thank you for your attention.
⚠️The photos are all my property⚠️
Camera: iPhone 12 Pro
Thank you very much and see you next time!
@tipu curate 2
Welcome to Steemit
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Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 4/8) Get profit votes with @tipU :)
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Thank you!
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Thank you so much!
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Hi Emma and welcome to Steemit,
I see from your previous posts that you've already spoken to a few of our Italian users and have discovered their excellent community.
If you decide to venture away from there, I've compiled a list of the more active communities which might be of interest. With such a wide variety of interests, I'm not even sure which to recommend to you!
In line with our Newcomers' Certification, I'd be interested in you returning to the Newcomers' Community in a month's time (around the 2nd March) to share your experiences with us so far. More detail can be found in this link.
You're making me feel so old now! I still see Justin Bieber as a stroppy little boy - does this mean that you were raised as a Belieber?
My favourite part of your introduction, without a doubt, is that you dislike Celery. It's disgusting! Too frequently, people tell me that "it doesn't taste of anything" but it does. It definitely does. Yuk!!
You mentioned that you were introduced to Steemit by somebody else - are they still on the platform and if so, what's their username?
I look forward to seeing more content from you about the things that you've said that you like. If your content's centered around that, I have no doubt that you'll do well here.
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Hahaha, this made me wonder🤔 how old the-gorilla is, oh as for celery I think it doesn't taste anything, though I only used to take it with other ingredients for tummy blasts.
She did mention that cur8 introduced her, and she seems to be a good writer.
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The only time celery doesn’t taste of anything is when it’s pulverised into tiny pieces and had the life boiled out of it!
cur8’s one of those anonymous curation accounts but I’ve found the person behind the account - axel-blaze who I don’t think I’ve spoken to before. I thought it might have been on of the Italy Team.
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Hello @goodybest, thank you for the compliments and see you next time!
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Hello @the-gorilla! Surely in a month I would like to talk about my experience on this platform and thank you very much both for the support and for the various links that I will definitely visit and read.
About Justin Bieber, yes, I grew up as a Belieber!
You're right about celery too! People say that it tastes good or that it doesn’t have a taste at all, but in reality I perceive it as bitter, that’s why I don’t like it!
Yes, I was introduced to Steemit by a friend whose username is @obaoba
Thank you very much for the best wishes and see you next time!
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Benvenuta Emma!
Spero ti troverai bene, ci vediamo in giro su Steemit ;)
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Ciao @davidesimoncini, grazie mille per il benvenuto e alla prossima!
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Ciao Benvenuta@emma7773
Bellissimo post di presentazione.
Good luck.
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Grazie mille per il benvenuto!
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Hi Emma7773, you have been selected under my Newbie Promotional Program for this week. You will see your reward in your wallet after seven days. meanwhile, you can check my post here,
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Thank you so much! I’m glad that I could be selected!
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ottima presentazione ;) welcome to steemit 🐳
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Grazie mille!
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You're indeed a great writer, I think this the first time someone mention being a Justin Bieber as her favorite. I don't know about him though. Good luck for your journey. I invite you to join us in telegram as we have a support department, where all your questions will be answered. Please join the Steemit Support Telegram Chat by clicking here or scan the QR Code on the flyer below.
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Everyone can support this initiative by delegating some SP to @sbsupport. Thanks in advance.
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Thank you so much about the compliments about my writing, I’m grateful for this!
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