Bridge over troubled waters

in hive-174578 •  5 years ago 

I've been asked a couple times about the future of steem recently...I'm not sure why people think I have any clue about it although I suppose they're just looking for an opinion or to open a dialogue about the topic. Fair enough.

For the record my answer is that I don't know what the future holds. I mean I would like it to go somewhere because I enjoy being here and engaging with people but I don't really have much of an idea about if it will, or what format it may evolve into if it does stick around.

What I do know is that it is not perfect, is open to conjecture, criticism and abuse and that it's just as flawed as those that use it. That's you and I in case you weren't sure. Yep, it's not perfect.

I've seen a lot of talk lately about the purchase by someone whose name escapes me right now, about what that person's intention may be, how the platform will be affected, positive or negatively, and how it may affect us, the imperfect users of it. I haven't bought into the speculation as there's plenty of people out there driving the speculation train without me adding another carriage to it. [Besides, I'm clueless and kind of dumb, so don't want to embarrass myself by commenting too much.]

Add to that purchase-scenario the recent introduction of Communities, cross posting and a soft-fork and there's no shortage of fuel for the blockchain fire to feed on. All bad? Nah, of course not...Pebbles in a pond ripple outwards and I feel that the more pebbles we (collectively) throw the better. All of these things are like little [sometimes big] pebbles and as the ripples work their way outwards we learn more and gain more understanding. I hope anyway.

So, are we in trouble? I don't know.

Are we in worse shape than any other fledgling social media platform, or start-up business? You'll have to ask someone more intelligent and savvy with the blockchain than myself for that answer but it's something to think about isn't it?

What I can definitively answer is that, for me, little changes.

Sure, those weighty matters above can, and possibly will, change things for us all however for me it is business as usual. Create content, curate content, comment on content. It's a simple concept.

The three C's...Create, curate, comment.

I enjoy the writing I do here, thinking about what to post, how to present it and what to comment on other people's posts. It's a hobby and I find it enjoyable. The coolest part is that the hobby actually (potentially) makes me money unlike my others that keep me poor. What's not to like?

I think it's the hobby-ethos I have here that keeps me grounded, on-point and sane. Sure, there's been times I've let something get under my skin although, in the main, I feel I've been quite stable which I'd like to think has been reflected on the blockchain. Mostly.

So, are we on a rickety bridge over troubled waters? Time will tell. Will this all turn to poo? Time will tell.

We can't do much about it either way, so maybe it's best just to get back to business creating and posting content, supporting the community at large through curation and engagement plus voting. We can also knuckle-down and help new users and those coming back from an absence to navigate the blockchain and its nuances - It's in everyone's best interest after all.

Don't leave it up to the curators, curation-initiatives or larger accounts to shoulder the burden...Each and every one of us is responsible here, for ourselves and the community.

Imagine if we all committed to adding five valid comments a day to users we don't usually comment on. So many posts draw zero comments and I'm sure a few here and there would really make a difference to the author. It would also look pretty lively from the outside looking in right? Pebbles in the pond, remember?

Bridge over troubled waters y'all? Nah I don't reckon; *Bridge between one place to another, a journey, and one we're going to need to follow to find the pot of gold at the other end.

Tomorrow isn't promised - Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default
An original post written by a human
Discord: galenkp#9209 🇦🇺

Image by me - Largs Bay jetty, South Australia

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I find it hard to predict the future of Steem these days. I honestly had high hopes about it, but after the purchase most of them deflated. I guess if Sun wouldn't mention that idiotic idea of transiting the blockchain and creating a Steem Tron token I wouldn't be too concerned, but that shake me a bit. I don't feel like it's doomed, but shaky waters definitely. It has been created with a flaw right from the beginning with that ninja mine that was supposed to be used for development, so it's not like we screwed it over time, or the new CEO. At the end of the day... I like blogging in here, it was my first platform of such an activity, I have some people that I engage with on a regular basis and I can collect some tokens on the way. Life's good, not great, but good, and as long as I will feel like being a steemian I will. When no longer feel like my place is here you'll get a good bye post...probably, and we move on. Not going to trash the platform, spam it or abuse it, till then, even if I see it over shaky waters.

It's best not to trash something just because you're leaving so glad to hear that you wouldn't. Let's hope it doesn't come to that though, and there's still a place for us all to enjoy.

Trashing something or someone that you once loved is trashing yourself. Not many see that unfortunately...

Definitely agree with the hobby-ethos - music producing costs money with hardware, mastering, artwork etc but I do it because I like it and blogging/writing travel blogs are good fun too. Interacting with others who I wouldn't have if I stuck around on FB is another cool aspect I like and if it earns a little bit here and there, then it's a bonus but this platform is still in its infancy - here's to many more years (hopefully)!

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Many more years yes! Let's hope so.

I got rid of facebook a few years ago and never really used it much anyway...I came here tentatively and was pleasantly surprised to find out how cool it was, and how much enjoyment I got from it. It's the engagement here that is the best feature...Sure, the steem earnings too, but considering the actual true value of what I hold in steem...It's hardly ringing my bell...The enjoyment though...Pays dividends of its own.


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I understand your sentiment. There are things going on that seem to be out of our control and it seems like supporting each other is the most constructive thing to do right now, create, curate & comment.

The three C's...It's the only thing we can influence here...Our own actions.


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As long was we can do the three C's we should do 'em right? But I'm certainly for the first time ever very very anxious on what the future of the chain will look like. EIP was 'only some numbers' but the 'two-chains' perspective is definitely very very different from that. We'll see :-)

Hey there, I agree. Don't get me wrong, I'm not blind to the fact that we are hurtling towards a brave new (and maybe not so good) world and how that affects us is an unknown at this point. I have hope that it all works out, but hope doesn't carry much weight and who knows what will happen.

I try not to worry about it too much though and focus on business as usual because there's little I can do. If things change dramatically and affect my enjoyment (or existence here)...Well, I'll probably be really unhappy but will have to confront that reality.

Until then...Steemy on. Lol.


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I think the hobby aspect of this is big for me. My mind registers it as, if im gonna waste time on internet at least make a little crypto!

I enjoy social media when it’s a small user base anyway. More people more problems lol

This is a much better alternative to Facebook and is my only social media..I think I'd be quite lost without it to be honest, although I guess I'd find something else. For me I just keep pushing on, no point speculating, although I know things are moving behind the scenes and the whole thing could change.


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We will see what happens. In the meantime I am with you, keep on posting and commenting.

There's not much else to do I suppose right? Do this or simply stop...There's no point speculating and complaining. 👍🏼

Well put as usual. I too haven't really been following. I heard about the merger, read a couple posts and that is about it. What really matters is if people use the platform and if they like it well enough to pull in a couple friends. If so, then the platform will continue, will grow, and will become more popular and continue to grow. I personally don't see how merging with another platform with lots of users could be a bad thing. There will always be technical hiccups, and things the purists don't like. I encourage them to not sweat the little things, enjoy the good and promote the platform!

I see little point in worrying about things we can't affect, and certainly writing big long posts about what may happen and what may not...A good way to get some post rewards...That's about it...Although having said that some really smart people have done some good posts which help to enlighten those of us who are not as smart. (Me).

I'm with you...Keep on keeping on and let it all shake out. I hope things go our way and we have a platform to use, in a format that doesn't disadvantage us.


Howdy sir galenkp! Well said. No one has a clue because no one CAN have a clue because no one really knows the heart of Mr. Sun and even those that do says he is famous for doing things impulsively that no one saw coming. lol.

Time will tell I guess. I hope it works out.

Dang I thought it was all over this morning when I couldn't get on and then heard it was a hostile takeover!

It's been interesting and only time will tell how it shakes out for steem and its users. For the moment, for me, it's situation normal, which I wrote about just now. Let's see where it leads.

If you put too many pebbles in the pond you might cover all the water and then it won't be a pond anymore XD But it wil be useful ammo should we need it later ;D

I'm more of a rock-skipper anyway. I can skip the shit out of a flat rock. I mean, if there was a rock-skipping Olympics I'd win that shit...Unless it was in a coronavirus-plagued area and then I wouldn't go.

Steemy windows eventually clear that's what I always say :0D


Haha, yes. They have a way of doing that. 😂

Well, hopefully 🤪

I think I am in the hobby mind set when it comes to steemit.
I just enjoy the platform and all the new friends I have made along the way.
If steem every gets going upward, that will be a bonus, but I am not waiting to go out and play based on that.
Enjoy your day!

That's a good way to be I think. It takes the pressure off and opens up more opportunities for enjoyment.

Have a nice weekend.

@pooky-jax asked Me a Legit question. As we were discussing Your Legit answer to my Future of the platforms question (JustinSunTron's Purchase of Steemit)

She said.... How will You keep in contact with G-Dog / Jonboy @janton and a few others if Steem goes away.......?

She asks a very good question.... You Mister Gee... Need to answer that one...... I surely would miss the back and forth on here.