Gin and tonic cures coronavirus

in hive-174578 •  4 years ago  (edited)

OK, World Health Organisation and pandemic scientists around the globe, you can relax now; The G-dog has cured the virus! It wasn't even that hard y'all.

A glass with ice, gin and tonic water with a twist of lemon was all it took...I don't know what the fuss was all about. For an extra immunity booster add a bowl of flavoured olives and feta cheese cubes and you're good to go - Impervious to any and all ailments. You can see my wife Faith here deploying my cure-all.

Naturally I'm joking so don't take any health-advice from me...It won't be good for your health. Whilst many G&T's may take away your ability to care about the pandemic at no stage will it cure you if you have it. Having said that, there is something it just may cure.

I had a conversation with someone from my company yesterday; She's feeling a little isolated and her energy-levels are dropping. She's going slowly stir-crazy and is having trouble arresting the decline. A valid way to feel I think, and I guess she's not alone.

Stopping or slowing that decline is important and I think one of the ways people can do that is by socialising...Like they do in normal life. I understand that people might feel they are not that sociable or don't like people that much, myself included, however we're not built to be isolated generally and if one is not used to it then it can have negative effects.

This isn't a tutorial on lockdown-socialising though, rather just a little story about one innovative way a family member chose to socialise and maintain some small degree of normality.

My brother in Finland, (not the one who is here on hive, the other one), and his wife normally host a monthly dinner party with some other couples. Due to the virus restrictions they were unable to do so however they chose not to let that stand in their way.

They contacted a local Italian restaurant who agreed to cook for them and do the food in a take-away format, which they normally do not do.

The couples all ordered, went to collect their food and went back to their respective homes where they plated up the food and held their dinner party by Zoom meeting. I couldn't be fucking bothered myself to be honest, but I have to give them some points for effort.

The dinner party went for hours, exactly as it would if they were sitting around the same table, and even the restauranteur commended my brother on his plating of the food rather than eating out of take-away containers. It was all quite civilised apparently.

A good time was had by all and whilst it all seems sort of weird and, probably to the participants, not at all like their normal dinner event, they all came away feeling good about it, that they went to the effort, and that feeling is exactly what is needed in times like we face now. It probably helped they they all got smashed I guess - Being home means no one needs to drive home.

I'll be honest with you, I wouldn't go to such lengths myself however I can certainly see that for people who aren't happy with their own company, thrive on social-interaction or who are simply bored as fuck concepts like this are valuable.

I said this to my work colleague, the dinner party thing and she thought it was a good idea.

She messaged me earlier today to thank me for the chat and to let me know she has set up a zoom-drinks-sesh with her crew of friends for Wednesday night. She sounded more upbeat, enthusiastic and energised and I think that's pretty cool.

So, whilst gin and tonic's won't cure coronavirus a little effort in gathering a few people around and doing something innovative via online methods could certainly go a long way to curing the coronavirus-blues.

So, what are you guys doing? Playing chess by Facetime? Reading to each other, online-gatherings like my brother and work colleague? Gaming online for sure I'd say, surfing for porn? Throw some ideas down if you like.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well

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I did laugh when reading I couldn't be fucking bothered myself to be honest

I was thinking the same but you know, for some people it totally works. Good on you helping works colleague out with an idea!

That particular brother is pretty social, and loves ejaculating all about it on Facebook too. I don't have Facebook so avoid most of the social-jiz except for what he posts on our family WhatsApp group. It's most non-sensical crap like online virtual dinner parties. Gimme a pizza and garlic bread, slam a brew on the table, and I'm good to go...No fancy plating required. Lol.

It works for him though I guess and I figured other swanky-sorts on hive might get inspired by his dumb-assery. Lol.

Yeah, my work colleague...I know it sounds gay and all, but some people's emotional state needs perking up and so I'm doing my best. Mostly just chats, a few laughs. Who knows, maybe the Boom might need to perk me up in the future, although your posts do that anyway I guess.

I've always been a helper, a no man get's left behind sort of dude...That translates through to stuff like with this work colleague I guess.

Anyway, I'm off for a virtual dinner-party...Ah ha! Fucking got ya because no I'm not! Lol.

Hahahaha, I bet you fucking are. You are probably ironing a shirt for your virtual dinner right now!!!

Always here for a giggle muckeroo!

My bro is never off facebook. I think it inhibits brain function lol

A person needs some brain cells to make to Facebook but once there...None required. Lol.

Haha, well I do have a t-shirt on...Ironed? Hmm, not so so much.

I think healthy eating will kill all viruses)

An interesting concept...I have a question though...If that is the case why hasn't COVID-19 been cured?

It is a great project to reduce the number of people to a certain number....

Yes, i think that is most definitely possibly the case.

We do what we have to to get through each day, i will take your advice with the G&T it definitely helps you forget for a little while.

Go easy though...You don't want to have too much fun! Lol.

I have not had a sip of alcohol since New Year :)

That's good. Many limit alcohol usage, and yet others don't. A personal choice. I'm not much of a drinker to be honest, never have been.

I got into a mess at new year, didn't like the week hangover lol

That happens I guess. It's not my style. Been drunk three times, won't ever be again.

Im not a fan, i was when i was younger, funny how old age makes you see sense LOL