Goodbye gun, hello metal

in hive-174578 •  5 years ago 

The last few weeks have been a bloodbath from a financial perspective; I don't think one needs to be a Wall Street stock broker to know that. With financial pressures already mounting the worldwide pandemic arrived to tip them over the edge and markets have seen some 30% declines in that time...Enough to make even the most stout-hearted investor cringe. Of course, these market blood-baths are often exactly what the mega-wealthy want to drive prices down, at which time they spend millions, billions, of dollars to scoop up cheap stocks. The rich get richer.

For me, a normal every day dude, I can't really throw a lot of money around and take advantage of downturns like this usually. I just plod along, playing my long-term strategy and hope for the best.

I like to diversify with my investments, spread it around a little to mitigate my risk...The old eggs in one basket strategy isn't a one I feel overly comfortable with, and so I spread my investments across several areas from property and shares, to superannuation, crypto and my favourite...Metals.

A few weeks ago I saw gold and silver prices start to fluctuate and I decided to grab some...The problem was I had no available funds; It was committed to other areas and considering my strict policy on saving and diversifying I wasn't prepared to rob Peter to pay Paul, so to speak. Something had to go to fund my metal purchase.

I took stock of what I had around me, what might be expendable, and couldn't come up with anything...I took a walk into my workshop because I think better when surrounded by tools, equipment and guns and sat down to think...What can I dispose of...What don't I need...And then it hit me...

I opened my gun safes for a look see...Many guns stared back at me. Some knew they were safe and shot back smug looks, others tried to hide in the back knowing they hadn't been used for a while and might be on the hit list and some...Well, some were resigned to the fact that they may be on the chopping block and just sat there with forlorn looks of misery.

So yes, I sold a gun, one I hadn't used for a while and that would give me a goodly sum of money to buy some metal with. It was a bit sad as it was a good rifle, but the $4,000 it returned me last week felt good in the hand and so does the metal I swapped it for yesterday.

Pictured is my haul...A 1 ounce bar of gold and ten 1 ounce silver coins which cost me just under $3,000 all up. I picked them up yesterday feeling good about swapping worthless polymer fiat for the pleasing weight of gold and silver and I felt good placing it in my safe with the rest of my stack.

I'm not an investment-guru, and am certainly not a bloke who stacks for the beauty of a coin, the interest-factor. No, I stack because fiat is shit and prefer to have something more tangible in the safe. I also stack as it makes sense to hold an appreciating asset rather than depreciating item...It just makes sense to spend money on stuff that will probably be worth more than I paid in ten years, rather than much less. That's metal. Crypto too of course, but metal is more accessible being in my safe and not in some cyber-place.

I like my diversified strategy; Will it provided me the financial future I have planned? I have no clue. Will my approach to it pay dividends? Well, I'd like to think it will. I mean, I swapped a rifle and scope system I haven't used for well over a year for $4,000 and spent $3,000 on metals that will almost certainly be worth a lot more in the future. That's gotta be a win right?

I'm not a huge fan of selling guns, although with a little bit of logic, and common sense, applied to the decision it's really a no-brainer...I mean, it's not like I don't have lots more guns...I have more than enough, but nowhere near enough silver or gold in my estimation so...I think I made a smart decision. Besides, I'm pretty sure that in the future many people will be selling things to make ends meet and I reckon between all the people I know with guns, I'll pick up some bargains moving forward.

In these troubled times maybe gold and silver will come to have greater value to people than they do now. I don't know, if things get bad enough things like fish hooks, hand reels, medical supplies, toothpaste and normal everyday items may come to have greater meaning and value to people also...Who knows how bad things may get?

I feel good having some metal stacked away though; It makes me feel a little more secure knowing I don't need to go to an ATM that may not even work seeking money that may have little to no value. So, selling a gun...Yeah, no problem.

Would you sell a gun for metals? (If you had one). Would you sell something else dear to you? Tell me about it. What wold you dispose of to buy some metals...Or maybe you wouldn't sell anything for metals preferring to keep your toys? Comment below.

Tomorrow isn't promised - Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default
An original post written by a human
Discord: galenkp#9209 🇦🇺

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I didn't any gun to sell. Guns are pretty much restricted in Canada. However, I have a few Japanese Styled katanas and Ninjatos and learned the practice of Kenjutsu added to my Sojutsu, and Karate.
I don't need to sell anything as I did have the cash to take advantage of this buying opportunity as the cash was part of an Emergency reserve meant for unexpected home repairs, healthcare emergencies, of if I lost my job for three months, I'd be satisfied knowing the bills will be covered until I get back on my feet. Of course I will pad the balance back up over the next few months.

Posted via Steemleo

Sounds like you have it all worked out.

We also have our financial situation locked in pretty well and don't have too many concerns moving forward. Buying more metal wasn't in my plan this month though and so I decided to let go of one of my many guns to buy an additional amount to stack away.

We have our money allocated for different purposes, including contingencies, and only in the most dire of situations would we delve into one reserve to support another...So a gun had to go and I'm not too upset...I got a stack of metal which will work better than a gun I'll probably not use in the next couple years...It's not like I have a shortage of others after all. Besides, when one gun goes, it leaves room for me to get another one right?


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SWEET shinies there! Love the Perth Mint gold bar! You have one of the best mints that produce quality bullion, @galenkp. AWESOME STACK!
Take care 🥰🌺🤙

Posted via Steemleo

Yes, it was a nice little addition to my treasure chest. The Perth Mint is pretty good. I don't buy much of their specialty pieces as I'm simply looking for value but I have a few. They do nice work and I like the fact is Australia. All good things are. :)

Have you been to the Perth Mint? The gold pouring demo is really cool (they've been using the same gold bar forever apparentlyy XD) and there's some really, really nice displays too :) I want to buy some of the coins because they're pretty, no other real reason XD

I've actually never been to WA, but when I do it's BBQ's at your place! ...And a trip to the Perth Mint.

Sure it'll be fun XD

You all good over there? Got yourselves all sorted?

Eh for what? The two week apocalypse? You coming over? :D

Haha, yeah the apocalypse, or whatever this thing will turn into. Nah, not coming over, not yet. Shit is starting to get a little out of control huh?

Everything would be fine if those panic buyers would stop being thorough idiots and if my brain would stop coming up with conspiracy theories about how this thing is a ploy to turn everywhere into totalitarian regimes XD

I know right? I have my own conspiracy theories too, not sure any are legit but what I know is that someone, or a very few people, way up there somewhere are making trillions out of this...At our expense.

Did you spend the $1k gap on toilet paper or did I miss that part of the post?

Nah, projectiles, primers and gun powder. Can never have enough ammo.

🍻 That is all! ;)

Well, while the guns may also appreciate in value (most of mine have), the bars don't require any care and feeding so I suppose the better investment. As long as you've still got some toys and protection, diversification is always a good thing!

I thought long and hard on whether to sell the rifle and it seemed the right thing to do. I still have many rifles and handguns, some 4,500 rounds across the different guns and the ability to use them...So, all good. I saw many are lining up for guns in the US over the last few days. Another sign of the times, and possible things to come..

How's things where you are?

Not bad, Covid-19 certainly has the idiot media sheep in a panic and a lot of chaos from that. I'm looking at maybe dipping into some more silver, but also looking at maybe a new toy. I've had my eye on the new .35 caliber FX Impact pcp rifle coming out next month, but my kids also have renewed my interest in .22 pistol plinking. I'm seriously thinking of building a new custom .22 pistol that could double for some small game hunting.

This custom Ruger Mark IV .22/45 has me intrigued. I really like it with this longer volquartsen barrel custom trigger/sear spring and red dot sight (I'm partial to vortex venom). I'm trying to talk myself out of it, but may not succeed. It's been on my browser tab for a couple days now.

Hmm, I wonder how hard you're trying to talk yourself out of that .22...Not very hard I reckon! Looks good though, and the Ruger .22 IV is a pretty good shooter.


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Good move sir, we did the same thing, not sell a gun, just squeezed the budget a bit and bought some more silver. That's been part of our gift-giving to the kids and grands for awhile now. Legos are on the list too, my only grandson loves them.
Enjoy your time at home.

I think it makes sense to stack some metals and I've been doing it for a few years. I actually thought I may buy some USD if it drops far enough...It's already low, under 0.60c. If it hits 0.50 I might buy a little but I'd prefer silver I guess. Depends on availability.

It's certainly sad to let go of something that you have so many memories with. That's what I felt when I had to sell all my Tomica toy cars collection many, many years ago 😢. But for you my friend, I have an offer that you cannot refuse. If you're looking to buy more of that golden stuff, I'm willing to buy that Grouchy friend of yours >:-( ... Capiche?

Haha! Well, don't tell Grouchy he has now become a commodity, but I'll keep it in mind if I get stuck and need more metal. He won't be cheap though. 🤣

Let's put it this way, I have several Trillion dollars at my disposal, and I'm ready to negotiate for that Grouchy friend >:-(


Haha, dang it...I know a trillionaire!

Howdy sir galenkp! That was another wise choice and investment!