Preparation and kooky loony-birds

in hive-174578 •  5 years ago  (edited)

The action or process of preparing or being prepared.

It's a fairly simple concept I think, and certainly those who have followed me for some time will know I'm passionate about; Being prepared. I believe it is everyone's responsibility and am rather critical of those who choose not to take, even the most cursory, measures to prepare for what may come.

What may come?

A good question. Ever sprained an ankle and needed a bandage? Cut your finger, had a small oil-fire on the cooktop in the kitchen? Ever got a foreign-body in your eye? Ever had a flat tyre? (tire)...All small things that may occur each day.

Have you ever pulled a drowned child from a swimming pool, run into a neighbours house that is burning down? Have you ever been the first on-scene to a car accident or had a work colleague have a heart attack in the office?

Have you ever experienced civil unrest or enforced curfew? Have you had your suburb, city or town wiped out by an act of nature: Flood, volcano, wildfire, earthquake, tsunami etcetera? Ever been present at a terrorism-event or war?

Have you ever gone three days without drinking or over a week without eating?

What may come? Well, just about anything could happen upon us at any given point; Happen to you!

That only happens to others

Yeah, but maybe not huh? I mean, do you know none of things will happen to you? Of course you don't! Come on, we live on a knife's edge all the time; Humans I mean. We are passengers here, despite feeling like the masters of the universe. We are subject to many things outside our control on a daily basis. To think otherwise is naive.

You're not the master of the universe...You're probably not even the master of your own household, as many are finding out right now.

The recent virus pandemic (is it a pandemic yet?) has swept around the world and whilst I don't watch the news I'm informed and know that it's causing a great deal of fear, uncertainty, economic strife and shortages. Has panic set in? I don't know. Maybe.

What I do know is that here in Australia people are panic-buying basic items like spaghetti, rice, baked beans, spam, canned soup and stew, soap, hand sanitiser, bottled water, paracetamol and toilet paper. The shelves are bare at most supermarkets and they've begun to limit the numbers of items people can purchase. That's call rationing folks. Toilet paper rationing. Who would have thought it could happen a month ago? Prepared people.

I read somewhere that a man was tasered by the police over a toilet paper argument in a supermarket herea day or so ago - Hmm, I would have bought a ticket to see that little episode...But it's interesting no? Tasered over toilet paper arguments and aggressiveness.

I am not sure if similar things are happening in other parts of the world but I read a post and some comments by @meesterboom this morning that indicated they were, certainly where he is located anyway.

I get it, people are scared and are trying to mitigate their risk, which is actually prepping! Yep, welcome to the world of prepping people! All of y'all are now those kooky, loony-bird preppers most people laugh at...Like I've been for years.

I advocate living a prepared life and have often been the subject of laughter and scorn. I don't mind because I see those laughing at me as victims and victims often get what's coming to them. But it's a concern nonetheless. You see, not having some degree of preparedness puts a strain on others, the whole of society in fact; One only needs to look at the current scenario to see that.

It makes me chuckle though, I mean, I wonder how many of these people cleaning out the supermarkets right now have laughed at a truly prepared person? Someone like me. Having 300 rolls of toilet paper isn't really being prepared though is it? I mean think about it...Toilet paper isn't a skill and having skills is one of the most important aspect of living a prepared life, not the only important aspect, just one of them, but it's way up there.

Skills that pay the bills

I walk around in a state of confidence most of the time; Not arrogance mind you, just confidence. You see, it's the skills I have, the knowledge and understanding, which brings that confidence. It's the same with others who also prepare correctly. It is often someone like me who comes along, applies those skills to a bad situation, and makes it less bad - The ability to do that brings a certain swagger to one's step, figuratively speaking.

First aid. Self defence. Situational awareness. Mechanical. Organisational. Navigation. Bushcraft. Survival. Reasoning. Aggression. Communications. Strategy. Interpersonal...It's a long list of skills and one I need to add to, develop and hone...A list people need to think about, but don't.

I know not everyone has the skills they require and most (many?) don't even feel they need skills as mentioned above, just like they don't feel the need for the most basic of preparation such as a go-bag in the household, a fire evacuation plan or a first aid qualification. It's irresponsible in my estimation, especially for parents. But people simply believe, in true hand-out and expectation mentality, that someone will care for them. Think again nutbags.


Sure, laugh about it. Make jokes about how unprepared or disorganised your household is or about someone who does take the responsibility for themselves seriously...It's all jokes...Until it isn't, and then there's the consequences to accept.

I don't know where this virus thing will lead and what ramifications it will have upon communities and individuals. Some scoff at it as a common flu-like thing, others take it more seriously and it's everyone's choice and prerogative to do so...But what it highlights is that being prepared, even just a little, is a much better state to be in, than being unprepared.

This scenario has played out quite slowly...It's bubbled away and people have been slow to act, if at all...Imagine if it happened overnight though? How would you cope? Or would you simply prefer to rely on the largesse of the government to cater for you?

I'm interested to hear your thoughts...That is, if there's anyone out there reading this.

Tomorrow isn't promised - Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default
An original post written by a human
Discord: galenkp#9209 🇦🇺

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Great article Mate! Could not agree with you more. Last Sunday I went to Costco for our monthly grocery run. It was a mad house all ready here in Lexington KY. My wife just told me this afternoon that same story today has no water, toilet paper or rice. Things are happening fast

Yeah, it's crazy! I saw a footage of three ladies fighting in the supermarket over toilet paper yesterday. A little pre-preparation would have prevented that from happening. Hopefully it settles down.


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I have been prepping for year's and now with this virus thing going around I finally convinced my mother to get some extra supplies a couple of week's ago. And talking with her the other day she is now laughing at all these people going crazy over toilet paper 🤣

Posted using Partiko Android

Ah yeah, all those years of us looking like idiots. I just don't see the point in not having some preparation. Seems so irresponsible to me.

The panic is minimal in my part of the world thus far, but there have only been a few cases reported in Florida so far. It seems to me there are two extremes, and few in between: the panicked and the don't be ridiculous it's just the flu crowd. I think it might be wisest to be somewhere in the middle, but of course those are the words of a fellow prepper, so of course I think that :)

I've not seen any panic here either really, just a lot of people buying up just about anything they can get their hands on. Like any good prepper I'm GTG at all times, but so many simply are not prepared.

It's doubtful things will accelerate to apocolypse-status of course, but there could be a lot of unhappy people out there. And of course, the economic impact will be huge. I'm afraid to look at my superannuation statement.

Hope you're well, and smilin'.


And if this time it passes...... Will people become Numb Minded to it..? Kinda like wars, violence, gov corruption.... Etc.

Watch the sunrise with Me on this side of The 3rd Rock

Caturday morning here......

Saturday night here. Faith and I are going back through piles of photos and organising. All the way back to 1987 when we first met. There's some doosies!

We'd be pretty much screwed if it happened overnight XD as is we've only just got a crop in the ground and still haven't moved or set up the aquaponics and J still hasn't raided the beehive, at the rate he's going we're just going to have to make sure they don't swarm again (one year he didn't get around to raiding and we ended up with a giant ball of bees sitting on the fence, fortunately we know a beekeeper who came and collected the bee ball).

I also really need to check the consumables/disposables in the first aid kits again and maybe get new bandage scissors (or sharpen mine).

And the white gold jokes are floating around the house and group chats.

I'm not sure what will happen with this virus situation but it's highlighted the need for each household to be more prepared...But I'm pretty sure people will forget over time and go back to their reliant ways.

Just the fact that you have a first aid kit puts you in the better-prepared bracket.

I think there's four ^_^; one in the house (best stocked, worst organised), one in my car, one in my bag and I think there's one in J's car too.

Being "prepared" on top of everything else is a right pain in the system especially on top of everything else so I can see why some people just don't bother when not having water on demand or a supermarket available for topups seems impossible x_x

We live in a society in which everything seems at our fingertips...But in reality it's not the case. It doesn't take much to disrupt supply, and only a little extra strife to disrupt people's ability to obtain essential items. Still, what do I know I guess. I'm no expert for sure. Maybe Uber food delivery bike riders will keep delivering food after all...[This is heavy sarcasm, in case you didn't pick it.]

Howdy sir galenkp! Yes you nailed it. Most people don't think they need to prepare and then they go into a panic mode because they've never prepared! And 95% of them thought you were nuts!
Their already closing schools here and it's barely getting started. The virus I mean.

Yep, it's starting to wind up now huh? It wont be long before things come to a standstill, or at the very least, a society that doesn't resemble what we know now.

Are they shutting schools down in Australia yet? They said the pro sports teams will keep playing but there won't be anyone in the stands. lol.