5 levers that transform consumers into presumers.

in hive-175254 •  3 years ago  (edited)

Dear Steemit Community

The cult of the rule - firstism.

In a saturated economy of choice, be the first to own a product or a service test is the ultimate.this gives the customer a new level of confidence of holding the product at first and make them exclusive owners.


The taste for storytelling.

Involvement in the launch of a product becomes a story to tell, tweet, share and like.people enjoy telling their experience about the product and tell how good or bad is the product.

The return of participation.

Beyond product novelty, what interests some presumers is above all to participate in a movement around a product or a concept, or even, in the broad sense, to mobilize for a cause.

On = Off

A dialogue is established between brands and presumers both online and in real life. Information circulates and bounces from one universe to another, without obstacle.its kind of publicity through mouth.

The rise of new platforms.

Thanks to the appearance of crowdfunding, new technologies such as 3D printers and a revival of interest in entrepreneurship in general, new platforms are emerging, where projects and creators intersect. , producers, investors and entrepreneurs. Some examples: kickstarter, fundable, idea.me, zaozao, makeably, etc.

A vast pre movement is underway
Of course, not all consumers will become presumers , and those who want to be, will not necessarily want to be all the time. But presumers open the door to a new consumer experience centered on excellence and exception and a new type of commitment in relation to the brand or to the company.

It is therefore a safe bet that the concept of presumers will gain ground in the coming months, as will the related phenomena of preduction pre-production and pretail pre-sale that it implies.

You can also become presumers by joining exclusive showcase.

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Greetings my friend. It is certainly something we see on many levels, the most common, when we go to a new restaurant and see people who instead of enjoying the new environment, food and company, are rushing to take pictures of the dish to upload it to the networks, it is like a desperate act to communicate to the world that I was there so as not to be left out of those who are participating in the same.

this same effect that you mention, occurs in the sale of the famous delorean, the people who own it boast about how famous the same brand made it.

Hi @adityajainxds Crowdfunding is important to start a business because it helps us to find funding to carry it out, but also because, even before it is born, it is giving it promotion, it is forming its own target audience, addressing it and, with the simple agreement of microfinancing in exchange for a small reward, we manage to affectively link that person with our future business.