Why do we wish to control everything?

in hive-175254 •  5 months ago 

Greetings friends!

Humans have always displayed a profound desire to exert control over the world around them. This inclination is manifested in our mythologies and literature, where powerful individuals triumph over formidable forces, ranging from dragons and demon, and even gods.

From the dawn of civilization, humanity has sought dominion over its environment. Our first conquest was the taming of animals. By selectively breeding the most submissive specimens, our ancestors transformed once-wild creatures like sheep, dogs, buffaloes, horses, and cows into domesticated companions. We even bent the will of nature itself, clearing forests to make way for crops that yielded bountiful harvests without raising any complaint.

To tame the forces of nature, we constructed many things like dams to harness rivers, erected barriers to control floods, and built shelters to shield ourselves from nature’s wrath. In our battle against diseases, we developed antibiotics and other medicines. We are constantly striving to assert mastery over our own bodies and the world around us.

But our quest for control extends beyond the realm of the natural world. It encompasses the behavior of our fellow human beings as well. From infancy, we are subject to the influence of parents, teachers, peers, and society, all seeking to shape and regulate our actions. Throughout history, rulers have employed various means, such as religion, nationalism, and appeals to pride, to assert control over their subjects.

Religion, in particular, has wielded immense influence over the masses. It served as a potent tool for social control adopted by the rulers, priests and elites. Rulers often aligned themselves with religious institutions, leveraging their authority to enforce obedience and loyalty among the populace. By imbuing their rule with divine legitimacy, monarchs could command unwavering allegiance from their subjects; subjects, who believed them to be the chosen representatives of higher divine powers as taught them by the religious gurus, priests etc.

Rulers, elites, and those in power often prefer a compliant and obedient populace. They seek to eliminate dissent and competition by punishing those who have different opinions and favoring those who are submissive and ask no question while obeying orders. Even in today's democratic societies, this tendency persists with various institutions and individuals working to influence and control public behavior.

In modern times, scientists, experts, and psychiatrists are engaged in research aimed at understanding and manipulating human behavior. Using various techniques of mind controlling, they seek to shape the thoughts and actions of individuals to align with their desired outcomes. Similarly, businesses employ mind controlling and manipulation strategies to influence consumer behavior to boost their sales.

While the notion of controlling people has always been controversial, there are some instances where it may be deemed necessary. For example, curbing antisocial behavior and preventing violence are legitimate reasons for intervention. However, the question arises: where do we draw the line? If a dictator seeks to mold society into a uniform, robot-like entity which is devoid of individuality and creativity, the consequences are dire. Such a society would resemble a horde of mindless zombies, devoid of free will, creativity and autonomy.

Ultimately, the relentless pursuit of control, whether by individuals or institutions, undermines the essence of humanity itself. A society where every aspect of life is micromanaged stifles innovation, diversity, and progress. Instead of making people more conscious, it breeds conformity and stagnation, depriving individuals of the freedom to think, act, and express themselves autonomously. Such a society is not better than a herd of sheep.

In the quest for a better world, it is imperative that we resist the temptation to control everything and everyone. Rather, we must embrace diversity, encourage critical thinking, and uphold the fundamental rights and freedoms that define us as human beings. Only then can we truly thrive in a society that celebrates individuality and fosters collective well-being. Without autonomy and freedom, we are not better than robots. Hence, rulers, elites and powerful people must draw a line where they should stop, in order to make this world a better place.

That's all for today!

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I think one of the things about human is the fact that we are created to be dominant. Dominant in the sense that we are created to view things from the perspective that we are in charge