In the global arena, various processes are unfolding that have prolonged certain changes in a transcendent manner, in addition to a series of economic, political, social, cultural and technological modifications in the development of products in the market environment.

Certainly these are affected in each of the activities that lead to its production, especially in companies and organizations related to the areas of design, development, manufacturing, marketing and sales of automobiles, in other words the automotive sector.
The automotive sector is the most effective way to generate a large percentage of direct and indirect jobs, thus becoming the main activity for the development, balance and economic stability of a country.
Venezuela is immersed in the most severe economic crisis that any Latin American country has faced in modern history, with bleak prospects for economic recovery in the short term and with no decisive political will to design and implement a comprehensive economic program.

This program should address the macroeconomic imbalances, the deep distortions in relative prices and the dysfunctional institutions that keep the economy in a state of chaos.