The strategic role of banking in the green transition, financial institutions have a critical role in the process of decarbonization of economies, without their support, it will be impossible to finance.

There is no doubt that the role of banking has diminished in recent years on several fronts, such as online payments, trade finance and corporate transactions, to name a few examples.
But there is one segment in which its role is not only important and growing, but a sine qua non condition: sustainable development, which is deemed necessary to move from a brown economy, with a high dependence on carbon, to a green economy, which will make it possible to curb the polluting emissions that contribute to global warming.
The implementation of decarbonization strategies recognizes the vital role of banks in supporting the green transformation. The importance of this role has become quite clear in recent years with the birth and spectacular development of sustainable finance.

The road ahead is long and far from easy. It will require major changes in all companies, sectors and economic and social agents. It will require changes in habits, energy systems, infrastructures, transport, production systems and agriculture.