The post above is caused by lack of information in the administrative and accounting department of the company and for not having an accounting system to carry out their daily accounting records and thus carry a good planning.
It is important to carry out a good operation within the companies, for this tax planning is implemented, which in its planning process to design a strategic way towards the achievement of its goals or objectives with a sense of rationality so that an efficient use of resources is made.
Since a good tax planning would bring benefits to the company as a decrease in the tax burden, deduction of the risk of penalties since it signals the need for future changes, provides a basis for control and helps to have a better use of what is available.
Taxes are part of the costs of doing business, the incorrect management of them generates risks that could represent high costs and consequences for the company, it can also generate undue or excess payments, negatively affecting the results of the company.
I Through tax planning, systems and policies are created so that the company timely complies with the provisions at the lowest risk and fair cost, on a basis of tax neutrality, which is adjusted to compliance with the laws, taking into account the benefit of the company.