In the administrative processes in the cash count, the person responsible for the cash count shall close the cash count report, not forgetting that he/she must also note any difference detected, as well as any observation related to non-compliance with the company's regulations.

In addition, in these cash count processes, minutes must also be issued, duly signed by both the person responsible for the cash count and the subject of the cash count, in order to give conformity.
On the other hand, these activities should be distributed to the competent areas in the following manner, involving the subject of the cash count and in the presence of the person responsible for the cash count, to verify the documentation and the latest movements of the control body.
In these last movements of the control body, the minutes should also be analyzed in relation to the control matrices (policies, procedures) and determine whether there are differences. If there are differences, it will proceed to request in writing to the subject of the audit the discharge of the differences detected.

If there are no discrepancies, the audit procedure is terminated. Proceed to make the discharge in writing, distributing them to the competent areas such as the comptroller's office, administration management, finance and the institutional control body.