In the management activities in musaceae where physical effort is used, the cost is nothing more than the effort and physical and economic time used in the production of a good or service to satisfy the needs of consumers, this is implemented taking into account a series of specific factors that play a fundamental role in knowing the final production cost of the item or finished product.
For example, this technique is used to improve the quality of the fruit (diameter and length) and consequently improve the profitability of the crop and consists of removing the last and penultimate hand of the bunch about 2 cm below the last hand.
The removal should be carried out two weeks after the appearance of the inflorescence, thus producing a greater quantity of first and second quality fruit. This activity reduces the percentage of third and fourth quality fruit.
Harvesting is one of the processes that involves physical activity and that is most important for any producer, since according to the discipline of cutting and development of the activities, the influence of the quality of the banana to be produced will depend to a great extent.

Banana harvesting is done by cutting the bunch from the plant and placing them on layers of leaves on the ground, where the fruit is cut.