Meet a new branch of the: science or psychology? At the end you will tell me which of the two by @alanasteemit. Part I

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Days ago, a topic that expanded my thinking caught my attention, since it is linked to the psychology and the immune system of people (you know, for all this pandemic) and I found a book that talks about the existence of a new branch that just deals with these elements:

Psychology + immune system = Psycho Neuro Immunology

Okay! To be more exact, its name is even more complex: Psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunology, since it includes the immune, endocrine and central nervous systems.


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When we refer to the central nervous system, we are talking about our brain, remember that it is the organ that gives orders to the whole body, it is also the one that connects us to our thoughts, emotions, the mind and the psyche. The endocrine system is linked to the glands and hormones and the immune system (one of the protagonists of this post) is in charge of protecting us from bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses (the latter being very fashionable these days).

Well then! Without further ado let's begin to understand what this is all about

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Communication between systems

The first thing we must understand is that the three systems mentioned above: the central nervous system (brain), the endocrine and the immune system are in constant communication and as if that were not enough, what one system does affects the other. This correlation influences directly and proportionally and hence the reaction that our physical body will have.

As a curious fact, the reaction of our body to disease will depend on how weak or strong our immune system is, because in fact our entire body prepares to face the disease through this system.

In this sense, I reiterate my opinion about the concept of "disease", starting with the symptoms, since these will become the alerts that will allow the immune system to face what is wanting to happen in our body, that is why we cannot as enemies but as what will let your immune system know that you have to get going to act.

In fact, I confess that my opinion about the disease goes a bit further, since it is our body's response to emotional conflicts that we have not been able to consciously resolve, but we will leave that topic for another post ;-)

The truth is that once we understand that the three systems are constantly in communication and that the performance of one will affect the others, we must positively appropriate our immune system to make it work in our favor.

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How can we make the immune system work for us?

I would say (according to what I understood in my reading) that the first way for the immune system to work in our favor is by understanding how it works and respecting this process.

Under normal conditions, our body absorbs nutrients from food and this is converted into energy, which helps us breathe, digest food, move, carry out the excretion process and also this same energy is used to activate the immune system.

When our body begins to feel discomfort, the immune system will need to start working and therefore will require the energy that we have talked about before, it is right at that moment that we must "respect the process" and make the immune system work easier. as? Well simply resting.

Rest, that little pause that we will take, will be our way of collaborating with the immune system to do its job efficiently, otherwise we will be competing with it because we will need energy for our daily work.

Remember! Understanding, respect and collaboration, your immune system will thank you.

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Perfect! We understand how the immune system operates ... but what about psychology?

Yes, yes, we know that you will be wondering what piece psychology plays in all this, do not eat cravings, I will explain it to you.

Before that, I would like to tell you what are the means that the three systems use to communicate, this to make the explanation easier, so take into account that the systems use a biochemical language to communicate, that is, through molecules of information:

• The central nervous system (brain) uses neurotransmitters
• The endocrine system uses hormones and
• The immune system uses cytokines.

Returning to the point of psychology and the connection with the immune system, I must say that there are psychosocial, behavioral factors and situations of physical and emotional stress that are generated in our mind, we are responsible for the way we think, react, We affect ourselves and depending on the way we do it, we will be sending information to the immune system and with it, a state of health or, on the contrary, disease would be triggered.

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How can these factors affect our immune system?

And we got to the best part ... we now understand that there is psychoneuroimmunology, which is the result not only of two elements (psychology and immunology) but includes the endocrine system and the central nervous system.

That the central nervous system is represented by our brain, hence our thoughts, emotions and our actions in the face of the events of life.

That all systems communicate and the central nervous system is the one that directs the rest of the body.

That our psyche plays a fundamental role and we are subject to internal and external psychosocial, behavioral and even physical and emotional stress factors.

That each of us is capable of controlling and having a positive or negative impact on this and depending on this we will obtain two results: health or disease.

You see! how ProjectHOPE offers you pure knowledge

If you are interested in knowing how you can control these factors and have a favorable impact on your physical and emotional health, I invite you to read the second part of this post.

Our intention is to provide you with tools that you can apply and offer you a better quality of life.

So for now, we have to say goodbye and start writing Part II, so we keep reading and the title question remains:

What branch do you think Psychoneuroimmunology belongs to? To psychology? To immunology? to both?

We read you in the comments.

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Hello @alanasteemit
This topic is something I particularly like, I think we talked about it some time ago. Here in Colombia there is a very good school of this science.
It is something complex, and yes, the first thing is that you have to understand how the immune system works to help it to do its function.
These topics are usually complex, especially if you are not familiar with medical terms. But, with effort you can still understand it.
Good to see you in PH. Welcome.

Hi @alanasteemit

Very nice article about finds our psychology and I like the way you explained about our body and the balance of our brain. we often do not think that much and thanks to you for sharing this useful information that I enjoyed reading. have a great weekend

I love that you liked the topic and the explanation, you are right in what you say, most of the time we go on automatic pilot and forget how perfect our body is and the integration with our being. I hope you like the 2nd part of the post (I'm working on it) ;-)

Hello friend, good to see you here, a super interesting topic, I know perfectly well that now is being studied a lot this branch and I think it is excellent because we are one, all our systems are connected and if one fails the others may fail, so we must take care of our temple that is our body, both physically and mentally. I look forward to that second part. Greetings! Excellent publication.

Hola @franyeligonzalez, cuando estaba escribiendo el post me acordé mucho de ti y de @josevas217 (porque ambos están en el área de la medicina), el libro explica muchos tecnicismos médicos sobre linfocitos y otros tantos que sólo ustedes pueden explicar, pero el tema me parece sumamente interesante porque cada vez más la ciencia se va uniendo a otros aspectos del ser. La segunda parte del post romperá paradigmas para los más científicos jijijiji

Hello @alanasteemit

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Dear @alanasteemit

Welcome to PH (project.hope) community :)

Hope to hear more from you in the future.

ps. check out comment from @project.hope and cyu on our discord.
Cheers, Piotr (ph founder)

Thank you!

Dear @alanasteemit

Finally I found some time to catch up with Steemit :) Interesting choice of topic.

You got my interest the moment I've read words "immune system". That is topic I'm very interested with.

How can we make the immune system work for us?

I've been wondering if you've ever heard about Wim Hof breathing technique?

Have a great and lazy sunday :)
Yours, Piotr