The Being and his great existential dilemma, that of possessing, of finding and creating for himself his personal satisfaction, the central search can be based on the material and as an example we can imagine a person walking crestfallen, looking at the ground as if in that ground he could find the solution to his problems.
Since he thinks he is unhappy for not being able to get a light of luck for his life, because everything goes wrong and the burden is endless, and in this journey as lost, he sees with astonishment a bill of money and therefore that bill brings with it the necessary help to face what he was so worried about.
His mood suddenly changes and he feels euphoric because someone else's misfortune for having lost that money will allow him to get out of his great disappointment, of course, that is when the need to find money again is born, since he is already labeled as a lucky man, forgetting that what he found got him out of the bad circumstances he was going through.
And so it was that he repeated the path he had taken day after day and every time he passed the discomfort grew and he took on debts to satisfy his need for welfare on the hope that good fortune would give him another chance to find money, and so it was that this Being succumbed to misfortune.
This example speaks of the deceptive need of human beings to obtain stability at first and then the constant search for growth in order to increase happiness from greed, and happiness is not a state that can be bought with money.
With money we buy things and terms that lead us to happiness and unfortunately for not being something natural that is generated from within us to feel happy.
Purchased happiness lasts very little, there is the physical effort that all beings make to achieve wellbeing, be it from work, study and our net capabilities to achieve happiness.
Whoever denies that everything that exists in this mental plane of Being is not involved with happiness is lying, because it is the path that we walk even in the midst of the worst human catastrophes, is to be able to feel happy with whatever it is.
The unfortunate thing is dissatisfaction, that picture that annuls all natural expression of feeling fullness, because it makes us serial hoarders, to be able to feel really happy even if it is an ephemeral moment, because the higher the degree of dissatisfaction, the higher the loss of fullness.
This degree of lack of enjoyment for the simple reason of being, also does not allow us to feel love and to love without the need to attach, to hold and to hoard, because in this way we stifle or suffocate with our personal dissatisfaction every process of real happiness, born from the inner potential that we all possess and that frees us from the tension of not having.
To find happiness is more and more fictitious, it is more and more pretended, it is more a right to obtain, to possess, of the I want, and of the I have.
We are slowly losing any possibility of being happy, because we fervently believe that happiness can be bought...
I am happy for the mere fact of expressing what I feel without the need to believe in me, I am happy even if you wonder how I can be happy if I have nothing, I am happy because I do not resist believing that happiness is the product of a state that is contagious and that an advertisement recreates happy motives to achieve or match.
I am happy and I admire happiness without gadgets, I respect those who must achieve it to the extent of their material possibilities, but I don't believe them when they smile just to show what they have achieved.
I am happy sharing and receiving affection, respect and admiration, I am happy because I learned that dissatisfaction has no end...