Biodiversity and agriculture

in hive-175254 •  last month 
Biodiversity and agriculture are two concepts that, at first glance, may seem distant, however, they are deeply interconnected and are part of a delicate balance that sustains life in our ecosystem, biodiversity encompasses the variety of life in all its forms from soil microorganisms to large mammals, in the agricultural context, refers to the diversity of species of plants, animals and microorganisms that inhabit agroecosystems.

Biodiversity is essential for agriculture because it helps pollination since many crops depend on pollination by insects such as bees, butterflies and hummingbirds, without them, the production of fruits and seeds would be seriously compromised. It is also important for biological pest control, natural predators and parasitoids help to keep pest populations under control, reducing the need to use chemical pesticides, as well as soil fertility because soil microorganisms decompose organic matter, releasing essential nutrients for plants and improving soil structure.

In this same vein, it is important to mention that, for decades, industrial or conventional agriculture has prioritized short-term productivity, using intensive practices that have led to a significant loss of biodiversity, the excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides, monoculture and deforestation are some of the main causes of this loss.

Based on the aforementioned problems, we began to disseminate and apply new production paradigms such as sustainable agriculture that seeks to restore and conserve biodiversity, recognizing its fundamental role in the production of food in a healthy and environmentally friendly way. Some key practices include:

  • Organic agriculture: Promotes soil health, crop rotation, biological pest control and the elimination of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
  • Agroforestry: Combines agricultural production with afforestation, increasing biodiversity and improving soil quality.
  • Agroecological systems: They integrate various elements of nature, such as crops, animals and trees, to create more resilient and productive systems.

Despite the advances in sustainable agriculture, there are still numerous challenges such as climate change that is altering weather patterns and affecting the distribution of species, putting agricultural biodiversity at risk and the lack of knowledge and lack of support for many farmers who do not know the benefits of biodiversity and lack access to the necessary tools and knowledge to implement sustainable practices. However, there are also numerous opportunities as new technologies such as precision agriculture and biotechnology can help improve biodiversity management and increase the efficiency of agricultural systems, public policies can play a crucial role in promoting sustainable agriculture and biodiversity conservation and consumers increasingly demand sustainably produced food, which creates a market for agricultural products that respect biodiversity.

Final considerations
Dear readers, biodiversity is the hidden engine of sustainable agriculture, by conserving and restoring biodiversity, we can guarantee food security, improve the health of ecosystems and build a more sustainable future for future generations, it's time to recognize the value of biodiversity and work together to protect it.

Thank you for reading our articles, until the next installment.

Bibliographic references
  • School agroecologica Ezequiel Zamora (2009). Compendium on aggrecology. Ministry of People's Power for Education. Venezuela.


- Photography and images: All photographs and images are the property of the author @amestyj
- Agrotecnia banner: made by the author @amestyj with own images

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"Wow, what a fantastic post! 🌿️📚 The connection between biodiversity and agriculture is so crucial for our planet's well-being. I love how you highlighted the importance of pollination, biological pest control, and soil fertility in sustainable agroecosystems. 💡 Your examples of organic agriculture, agroforestry, and agroecological systems are really inspiring! 🌳

I couldn't agree more that biodiversity is the hidden engine of sustainable agriculture. It's time to recognize its value and work together to protect it for future generations. 🙏 Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experiences with us!

What do you think about the challenges we're facing, like climate change and lack of support for farmers? How can we overcome them together?

Also, don't forget to vote for our witness @xpilar.witness at! Your support will help us continue contributing to the growth and success of the Steem community. 💕"

Thanks for the support, the challenge of climate change from the agricultural sector can be faced with the use of local resources and the implementation of agroeocological strategies that do not negatively interfere with ecosystems. See you later, have a great week.