Nitrites and Nitrates in pastures: A risk for livestock

in hive-175254 •  6 months ago 
Nitrates and nitrites are nitrogenous compounds that occur naturally in the soil and can accumulate on plants, especially grasses. Although they are essential nutrients for plant growth, in high concentrations they can be toxic to livestock.The accumulation of nitrates in grasses can be favored by various factors such as excessive nitrogen fertilization, since an excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers increases the concentration of nitrates in the soil and, therefore, in plants. Also adverse climatic conditions such as prolonged droughts, followed by intense rains, can favor the accumulation of nitrates in plants. also the grass species, because some grass species are more prone to accumulate nitrates than others, such as those of the genus brachiaria.

In the same vein, it is necessary to mention that, when cattle consume pastures with high concentrations of nitrates, these are converted into nitrites in the rumen (stomach compartment). According to what was reported by contexto ganadero (2016), nitrites, in turn, are transformed into methemoglobin, a form of hemoglobin incapable of transporting oxygen, this causes a decrease in oxygen transport to the tissues, which can lead to the death of the animal.

The symptoms of nitrate and nitrite poisoning in livestock can vary, but generally the producer or veterinarian can observe accelerated breathing and panting in the animal, bluish coloration of the mucous membranes, eyes, gums and tongue present a bluish color due to the lack of oxygen in the blood, animals may show weakness and difficulty moving, severe cases, convulsions may occur and in extreme cases death can occur quickly and without previous symptoms.

To prevent this type of pathology of nitrate and nitrite poisoning in livestock, it is recommended:

  • Pasture analysis: Perform periodic analyses of pastures to determine nitrate levels.
  • Proper management of fertilization: Apply the right amount of nitrogen fertilizer and avoid excess.
  • Animal monitoring: Observe animals on a regular basis and pay attention to any signs of illness.
  • Access to clean water: Ensure that animals have access to clean water at all times.

Dear readers, if nitrate and nitrite poisoning is suspected, a veterinarian should be contacted immediately, treatment usually consists of the administration of methylene blue, an agent that helps convert methemoglobin into hemoglobin.In summary, nitrate and nitrite poisoning in livestock is a serious problem that can cause significant economic losses, proper pasture management and fertilization, as well as constant monitoring of animals, are fundamental to prevent this condition.

Thanks for reading our articles, until a next installment!

Bibliographic references

context ganadero


- Photography and images:All photographs and images are the property of the author @amestyj
- Agrotecnia banner: made by the author @amestyj with own images

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You have really pointed out very vital points here and how I wished a whole lot of people can really read this and take some careful things back home. It is really needed. These pastures needs to be looked into

Hello @Adese, thank you very much for your valuable comment, without a doubt there are many valuable topics to study in agriculture, managing a farm deserves to know a lot about the ecosystem where it is located and its behavior to carry out an appropriate management.