Sometimes you need to fail to succeed

in hive-175254 •  3 years ago 

Life has its ups and downs, and throughout the journey, I've taken every moment with gratitude.

On some days, it's difficult to get out of bed and get going, while other days are better. In everything, I try to stay conscious of my targets and ensure that I'm making strides to achieve them.

Just being me

I'm not what I'd describe as an aggressive investor or businessman. In fact, I'm hardly a businessman and beyond the basic laws of demand and supply, I barely know anything else.

Despite my shortcomings, I've been making work, slowly but surely, accumulating all these coins that facilitate my life.

I think my biggest strength is my fearlessness in the face of failure. Don't get me wrong, I know there are consequences for failing but I don't dwell on them, nor do I dwell on the reward for success.

I'm good at failing

For most of my life, I think I've been this way, although I think a major reason why I never fear failing was from my university days.

You see, back in Primary and secondary school, I was one of the top-tier students. However, I went to university and the system told me I was an idiot.

I got more Fs in my university days than I did throughout my Primary and secondary school days combined. This is even more incredible when you consider that I spent 6 years(for a 5 years course) in university, while my primary and secondary school years combined amount to 12 years.

Back then, I felt really terrible about myself while looking at the result sheet but moved on almost immediately the sheet was no longer in sight. Now, when I look back at those days, I'm sort of grateful I failed, even though I wish I didn't have to.

I failed so much, I just took it in my stride and stopped looking back. Whenever I got an F in a course, I'd just move on real fast and start plotting how to remedy the situation.

I didn't dally about crying over my result or let it get to me too much. I became very good at failing and moving to the next thing.

It shaped my future investments

This simple and unique trait has shaped me into the person that I am today. A big part of how I handle my finances is based on the fact that I'm not afraid of failing.

I don't treat money as if it's all that matters. I know it's important and all but I also feel there are more important things in life, so it's never a do or die affair for me.

Whenever I'm about to make a financial decision, I go in consciously, knowing that I could be making a huge mistake but also knowing that it could be a masterstroke.

If I fail, no worries, it's not the first and as long as I'm alive, and remain human, I know it's not going to be the last time I fail either.

Failing at blogging started the journey

Failing is just a part of my existence and in some weird way, my failures are what got me to where I am today. If I hadn't failed at university, I wouldn't have been a crypto guy because I'd probably get one "nice job" that pays a shitty salary but at least I get to wear a suit.

If I hadn't failed at blogging in traditional platforms like Google blogger and wordpress, I'd probably not have been interested in joining Steem(Hive) back in 2017 because I was earning peanuts from affiliate links and google ads.

Steem started my journey in crypto and after that, I never looked back. I continued to learn, make mistakes, fail at a lot of stuff along the way, lose money while trying out trading, and delved into different crypto-related things.

I'm a product of failure

In a weird way, you could say that even my very existence is a product of failure. You see, the truth about my birth is based on a failed contraceptive. Ironic isn't it.

My parents told me that after giving birth to their 5th child, they wanted to stop having children and so my mum had one of those womb clip thingies installed inside her.

Yeah well, the contraceptive didn't hold for too long and I broke out of that womb. My existence was unstoppable, and thus, the boy was born due to failure.

It's all gratitude

At the end of the day, I'm happy about all the failures in my life. The failures taught me a lot of things about life, and even if I didn't succeed, at least I learned many lessons about how NOT to succeed in many things.

The beauty of it though is that none of those failures ever deterred me from trying. Despite all my failings, I still graduated from university with a second-class lower degree. I still got into blogging and earned life-changing money that has grown into multiple streams of income.

All I'm saying is, there are probably more failures ahead for me and I'm going to learn from them. The only reason I was able to fail so many times was that I tried so many times and that's a part of me that can never be changed.

Because I try, I failed many times, and I'll fail even more but you know what? I always fucking win at the end of the day.

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Hello @belemo!
Thank you for sharing some stories of your life and how important it is to fall and get up to move forward with more strength and experience. We are not perfect and we can make mistakes, and maybe those mistakes are necessary to learn something new or divert us to the right path, it all depends also on the attitude towards them. Thanks for sharing, greetings!

Hi @belemo, definitely we have all failed at any time or stage of our lives, but it is smart to get up and continue, I see that you have overcome so many obstacles that have formed a character and above all a lot of judgment, because to make important decisions in life you need a lot of judgment and security, I congratulate you for everything you have achieved and I hope you continue to reap financial and personal triumphs.

See you later, have a great weekend.

Greetings @ belemo
Everyone in life at some point in time goes through situations in which we do not know how to act and therefore those decisions made are not the best. However, we also learn from our mistakes and I think we learn a lot. I think that every entrepreneur will go through something like this, as they say in my country "to learn you have to fall",
Thank you very much for sharing

I liked this post...I have thought so much and I believe that sometimes we don't even fail, but we are human and situations can happen that are out of our hands. From these experiences we learn too, nothing is lost...regards

Hello @belemo.

Failure is part of everyone's life and it is "usually" based on the decision made by the individuals. However, those failures will lead to success if the person makes a difference by learning from his failures, strengthening his mind, and go again. Sometimes a path of failures also leads to a better ending that has never been thought about or clear so we have to believe in what we are going through is only for our own good.

I've experienced a lot of failures and injuries when I was a player at U18 club (soccer) so I had to stop at an early stage and focus on studying which ended up that I've found that I'm way better at studying than many other things in life.

Thanks for sharing!