The Crypto Educator

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 

Is it me or has the interest in cryptocurrencies really picked up in this period. This interest is uncharacteristic, considering we're not in a bullrun and there's no widespread FOMO but I guess it is more of a sign of the times.


Yesterday I put up a screenshot of Steve Hanke's tweet about a review of Nigeria's current inflation rate. For what it's worth, Steve seems to have a thing for bad news, and so he's generally peddling those sort of information on his platform.

Link to tweet

The dude exposed our President's point-blank lie to the faces of the Nigerian public. It turns out that the President manufactured figures, but seeing as he's a chronic liar, I'm not surprised.

This screenshot was cascaded by numerous posts about the protests in Nigeria for our fundamental right to live in our country and stop police brutality. The sight of the screenshot sort of spooked a few people into making enquiries about an alternative store of value.

I'm a shill, but I don't want to come off strong to the person. That's why when I'm asked, I suggest cryptocurrency, forex and precious metal. Out of the lot, Forex and crypto are the likely destinations and with my previous shilling WhatsApp status, it always boils down to cryptocurrency.

I take no pleasure in saying negative things about my Government but this is really how horrible they are. They keep trying to sweep everything under the carpet, but alas, here we are, in the shitters. Life is more expensive, there's insurgency, dwindling economy, police brutality and terrorism that conspiracy theorists have claimed it is state-funded.

With Nigeria going down the toilet, cryptocurrency is the only way to escape the dumb-dumbs in charge. For most of us, it is nothing personal, just business.

I will write blog posts about, Finance, Fintech, blockchain and cryptocurrency

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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Living in Nigeria is a different ball game I tell you, we are clamouring for change now and I just do hope that this is the time for that change to occur.