The race in life often start after college or the university and this time, you either decide to run a race to prosperity wirth no definite ending, aka. the rat race. With school being concluded, a lot of us have dreams to ride a fancy car, live in a beautiful house, travel for holidays and do a lot of things but no access to funds but with the resumption to a new job and getting paid for work done, then the ability to buy those things become available and then, you rent a good house, buy a car, buy an expensive phone and so on. Very soon, you move a notion your mind to work harder and get a salary rise so you can afford to buy more nicer things.
Soon it becomes a thing to compete with everyone to have the best of things, advancing and making progress just to hit milestones. It is no doubt that there is never enough money that can be amassed neither is there enough milestones to hit. Humans love to increase on a daily and this growth is what makes us satisfied.
There is an easy way to make a better future even when fighting to get to the top at all things financially and that is to invest wisely from a very young age. Just as you invest time, effort, so should you invest money. The earlier you start to invest for a better future, the better the future becomes at the end. With proper and continuous investment, retiring early is possible but when the race continues with nothing to help reduce the hours working or help increase the time from 24 hours to as many hours as possible in a day, then the rat race is inevitable.
The rat race will help with getting food on the table but will not help with creating a good future. You need to understand that needs are better than luxuries when you can't afford them but when you can afford, you can go for them.