The Role of Citizen Science in Research

in hive-175254 •  15 days ago 

This Social Issue is given importance since citizen science is revolutionizing the scientific community by having citizens involved in the scientific process of data gathering and evaluation. The main objective of this approach is to facilitate the collection of large datasets in multiple settings of the world, thus expanding the scale of scientific inquiry.


A good example is in ecology where people who are not professionally trained in this field take part in survey of the environment with the aim of identifying the number of species of plants as well as animals in a given area. Examples of the surveys include Christmas bird count and Great backyard bird count whereby it actually involves men and women who owes their knowledge by counting the number of birds. In the same manner, amateur astronomers play their part to contribute data on events in the sky so as to advance man’s knowledge of the universe.

Citizen science also benefits society in terms of scientific appreciation and participation where citizens are formed into scientifically literate communities. Through engagement in scientific research, participants become more aware of how scientific processes work and how they can go about designing solutions to prerequisite environmental and social problems.

Over the year, social platforms and applications enhances mobile devices usage enabling a large number of people to be in a position to contribute on various citizen science projects. Such a democratization of science is quite promising for speeding up discourse advances and making society becomes rather scientifically literate.

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The citizen science is really getting overwhelmed and becoming something that needs to be looked into fervently