Why a Business Must Focus on Marketing as Part of the Key Elements of Becoming a Successful Brand

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 


Every business owner would always say this that one of the main ambitions of any business is to become a brand… Yes, becoming a brand is the ultimate goal of every business. While some business owner wishes to make the most profit, becoming a brand offers a lot more rewards and benefits in the long run. There are a lot of businesses that are still flourishing today because of their brand status… people buy their products not because they are the best in the market, but because of the brand that they are and people like to buy from who they know, like and trust and also businesses they have an emotional connection with.

A brand creates that emotional connection with its target customers that is why top brands like Apple, Nike are selling products at premium prices not because they are the best but because they have proven to be of high quality and high standard and also the emotional connection people have with these brands and the feeling of prestige people get when they use any of the products of these top brands. A brand can sell the same level of quality, same features at a much higher price than the rest in the market… this is possible because brands are always in the minds of their target customers and whenever a target customer needs or wants a product, a brand would first pop up in their mind. You can see why every business strives hard to reach that brand status.

Like I talked about in my previous article, there are a lot of factors that has to be in place to help a business attain that brand status… I’ve talked about logo, I’ve talked about branding… in this post, I will be talking about marketing… As far as business is concerned, marketing is one of the key factors for success. A business which attains a brand status is already successful, which basically means that marketing is one of the key factors that helps a business reach that brand goal.


Marketing is simply the actions that a business takes in order to promote itself or the products and services and the ability to convince target customers to make a purchase. People will not go out to look for businesses to buy from except in very niche situations… it is the business that will put itself in the faces of its target customers and give them reasons to buy. Marketing is what pushes a business out there in the faces of people… There are various effective strategies used in marketing… so as a business owner, it is important to understand what marketing strategy is effective for your business and focus on it.

Marketing is only one part of the various factors that must be in place for a business to attain that brand status. However, marketing is one of the key driving force that facilitates the process… A brand lives in the minds of people, so if people don’t know about your business, how will your business live in their minds?... you can see why marketing is key. Effective marketing puts the business out there in the faces of its target customers so that the target customers can have that emotional connection with the business and also have that positive experience from using its quality products or services. If you notice I included quality before the products or services because people only have positive feeling when they are happy or have a positive experience from a product or service. No matter how great a business marketing is, it would amount to nothing if the product or service is of low quality as that will be like marketing your business telling people not to buy from you. Marketing only becomes effective and yields results when the other factors are present as well.



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Hello @designieplay sindudad marketing is essential to position our business in a place of honor, hence the large companies invest large amounts of money and hire the best in the creative area, because they are clear that this investment will give prestige to your business. thanks for the publication

Branding is a form of marketing but it is a special form of marketing that will help a business reach its peak if paid special attention to. Nice piece