Let us be free of our vices.

in hive-175254 •  last month 

Hi everyone!

How are you? I hope you are doing well!

(pixabay image)

There are only a week is left for us to spend one complete month of the year 2025. This is so surprising! I can't imagine how fast time moving. Just a few days ago I was wishing everyone on new years and one month of the year is almost done. Time have wings, it flies so fast that we can't even see it. Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months, months turn into years and so the life ends. This is the reality of life in which we have lots of worries, tasks, enmities and lots of such stuffs that make our life a hell. Every intelligent person knows this but fails to act in such a manner that can make own and others life well.

In this infinitely vast universe we have life on one planet only. I don't know about alien life and in fact no one has ever went to other galaxies to see whether living creature are found there. So, I can say that in this vast universe life is found only on planet earth. As being intelligent creature humans are more responsible for destruction of living habitat in our planet compared to any other creatures. We have limited lifespan of maximum 100 years. Compare it with the age of the universe, we are nothing here. Our whole lifetime is just a fraction of the whole age of the universe. But in that lifespan we create lots of problem of ourselves and others.

We can live in harmony with others. But our greed, sense of pride, ego and lack of knowledge do not let us to do so. Let us be free of our bad emotions! Let us be good to others. This is the way to make this world a better place for everyone. We must not forget that God Almighty has created us with a purpose. We must do such deeds that after death we won't be ashamed before our creator. Have a wonderful Sunday!

With love from Erica.

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Every person has evil in him but he can get rid of it. But only a few people do this