in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 

It is very obvious that things are getting more difficult every day and this is not only restricted to a particular country or a particular region, it is a universal thing, a lot of people are becoming homeless and a lot of people are getting hungrier everyday as they do not have anything to fall back on. The pandemic surely came unexpectedly and the inflow of cash for a lot of families dropped greatly and unexpectedly also leading to a serious financial hardship, this hardship will not suddenly disappear but those of us who will survive and come out of the financial crises must know how to handle the situation on ground.


Adjust your budget.

In order to survive this financial crises, we have to re-write our budget, there might be a particular way of life we are used to before the pandemic but now that there is a slight financial difficulty, we have to cut down on those expenses and re-write a good budget that will fit our current income. This might be a very inconvenient act but it is surely the best thing to do if we are going to overcome this financial crises.

Contact your lenders.

Your lenders are humans and they will understand that you are going through a difficult time if you explain to them but they will assume that everything is going on well if you fail to communicate with them, put a call through to your lenders and let them know the situation of things at the moment and offer a suitable plan that will provide you with a more convenient payment.

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Negotiate bill payment.

During the period of financial crises, we can contact our service providers for a cheaper budget this will help us spend less on necessary bills and totally ignore the unnecessary ones for some time until we bounce back on our feet.

Find a side hustle.

During a period of financial crises is when you need all the extra cash you can get, look for an extra way to make more money by looking for a side job you can combine with your current job until you come out of the financial crises you are at the moment. This side hustles will help you get more income to meet up with the financial needs available at the moment.

A lot of people get into financial problems and instead of them to find a solution, they begin to contemplate suicide and this is really wrong, there are stories of people who have gotten into financial crises and they have come out stronger, this means that you can also come out strong from the financial crises if you just follow the right steps.

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Suicide is never the answer.

Never the answer

The current situation is really difficult, so controlling the budget and reducing expenses is fundamental. I've looked for side jobs, especially things I can do online, to have complementary income to help cover some needs. What should never be an option is suicide.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

The best thing to do right now will be getting that side job I tell you, may we come out stronger.

Hello friend, very good advice, the truth is not something easy to overcome but not impossible, we just have to keep working for a better future!

True we just need to keep trying.

Proper planning and execution can lead to us into good financial condition of anyone we need to rethink about our expenses and plan accordingly

We can get out of any financial struggle at anytime once we look for profitable solutions and put our heart to it.

Dear @futurekr

Finally - I've managed to find few minutes to catch up with reading. I bookmarked your post a while ago but I only had a chance now to check it out.

I must admit - interesting choice of topic.

It is very obvious that things are getting more difficult every day and this is not only restricted to a particular country or a particular region

Indeed. We're surely living in very challenging times. And things are only going to get more difficult for regular folks like ourselfs .... :(

Solid read. Have a wed ahead :)
Yours, Piotr