Life can be hard, but you have to face it head on.

in hive-175254 •  6 months ago 
Greetings to all fellow Steemit members, today I want to share with you this story of stoicism, which I loved very much.


In a small village lived a wise old man named Marcus, who was known for his profound wisdom and quiet fortitude in the face of any adversity. Everyone in the village looked up to him and turned to him for advice and guidance.

One day, a mighty army came to the village and plundered and destroyed everything in its path. The people cried out in grief and asked Marcus for help, but he remained unperturbed by the tragedy. When asked how he could remain calm in the midst of the chaos, Marcus simply smiled and told them:

"Pain and adversity are an inevitable part of life. We cannot control what happens to us, but we can control how we react to it. Facing hardship with courage and serenity is the true meaning of stoicism."

As the days passed, the town began to rebuild and Marcus continued to be a guide to all. Once again, life put them to the test when a terrible plague struck the region, claiming the lives of many inhabitants.

This time, people turned to Marcus for comfort and resilience. The elder reminded them once again of the importance of accepting what they cannot change and strengthening their spirit in the midst of adversity.

Despite the suffering and sadness, the people found comfort in Marcus' words and gradually managed to overcome the plague. They learned that true wisdom lies in maintaining calm and inner strength in the face of life's difficulties, and that true strength lies in stoic endurance in the face of any adversity.

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That's perfectly true. I have come to discover actually that instead of running away from challenges, we should face it and overcome it to be a better person

Yes, many times we run away from the challenges that are put in front of us, without knowing that in reality, by facing them, we can improve ourselves a lot.

Challenges might come but the truth is we actually really need to be strong and keep overcoming those challenges no matter how much they come. We should see ourselves been strong and not weak

In complete agreement with you my friend.