Generally, most people do not know how to differentiate these two terms, they usually know them as Windows, operating system, among others. But, its original name is "Software" and would come to be known as a set of programs that allow the computer to perform its various tasks, also known as "Programs" or "Applications".
Such Software does not apply only to computers or phones, in fact, most electronic devices that we use every day and regularly, each has its own built-in system, some do not, as well as a computer or a cell phone, if not in fact have a series of "Drivers" in its motherboard, this is already considered part of the "Hardware".
There is always one person out of 10 who knows the meaning of this word, by "Hardware" we refer to a group or set, of physical elements joined together to form a computer, within this are all the fundamental elements for a computer or electronic device to function.
Some people do not know the meaning of "Hardware" and use a computer in their daily life, the "Hardware" is constituted by:
- Keyboard - Mouse - Speakers - Monitor - Drawer together with its internal parts.
For a computer, each of these physical materials mentioned above, are of great importance for its optimal functioning.
As you can imagine, without one of these two aforementioned, what they are: Software and Hardware. Our computer would not exist at this time, it should be noted that with the passage of time both have been evolving by leaps and bounds, as you could see in my previous publications where I am repairing old computers, Pentium 4, PhP of older generation, both are computers that about 5 years ago, were some of the best computers there were, but, now are treated as scrap.
Why are they treated as junk if only 5 years have passed?
A: These computers became outdated due to their slow performance compared to new computers and also it can be said that their parts are no longer obtainable to be able to sustain such an old computer, old generation computers are considered obsolete due to their low performance both in speed, Software installation and Hardware maintenance.
Well friends, that's all, I hope you liked it.
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