COVID - 19 and its influence on economic, social, cultural and political issues

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 

On this occasion, I want to leave you with a short reflection that I wrote a several weeks ago and that I had saved in my documents on my computer.

The COVID - 19 has affected our lives, of that there is no doubt. It has affected everything around us, countries and their governments have been looking for ways out of this situation, some have been victorious, others have not been (or have not wanted to be?) so successful.

The economy, health, cultural, social and even politics have not escaped the influence of this pandemic. I leave you with a very personal reflection on this.


🌏 In the economic field: due to the proliferation of this virus in the world, many countries were forced to apply social quarantines. This brought as a consequence the almost total paralysis of the economy in those countries, bringing more poverty and financial difficulties. On the other hand, and although it may seem paradoxical, it was the richest and most powerful countries that were most affected in terms of the number of infected people and deaths. The reason? Precisely because they were strong economies, they did not want to paralyze their activities and as a result the virus affected the population in an alarming way in many cases. In addition, online work and business skyrocketed in the wake of this pandemic.

🌏 Socially: If the coronavirus has affected anything, it is the social factor. The elderly are the most affected, both in terms of infections and deaths. On the other hand, the mandatory quarantine has caused us not to leave our homes, altering our social and relational customs. There are no more kisses, hugs, or close encounters. Visits are restricted, outings to have fun are limited or prohibited even in our own homes because there can be no groups of more than 5 or 10 people.

🌏 In the cultural aspect: linked to the social aspect, there is the cultural aspect. Visits to museums, theaters, churches, zoos, libraries, universities, schools, parks, local celebration activities such as patron saint festivals, marriages, among others, are prohibited or restricted. The customs of each town were affected by the coronavirus and quarantine.

🌏 Politically: this factor has been one of the most relevant. We have seen how presidents, governors and mayors of countries and cities have made decisions that have had a great influence, if not a total influence, on the situation in each area. In some cases, controversial decisions that allowed a whole country to be affected by this coronavirus, and in others, correct decisions that have managed to contain or control the chain of contagion. And we must not forget to mention that many presidents have taken this pandemic as a political banner to promote themselves before their citizens and the world. This has resulted in irresponsibility when it comes to informing or deciding on strategies.

Whatever the factors that have influenced COVID-19, the truth is that the world will not be the same after this. Many things have changed and will continue to change as a result of this pandemic. We can only adapt to these new changes and come out stronger and better from this situation.

Thank you for reading me, what is your opinion about it, what would you add to this short analysis?


G. S. Bilbao

Blogger | Conferencista | Locutor Comercial


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Greetings @garybilbao undoubtedly Covid-19 has managed to touch sensitivities in humanity ranging from economic, health, psychological, among others that somehow have affected us in our daily lives.

Recently you can write about the impact of this virus at the environmental level, where in a way has allowed to give a second wind to our planet, as excessive pollution has decreased dramatically in big cities, however, in economic issues has been serious impact that has been triggered in this area has been the biggest psychological problems that has generated in people without counting the fear has been infected or lose loved ones.

In one way or another, the virus has shown us that we are a very vulnerable species with ambitions and superiority. Thank you for your contribution

Greetings @ garybilbao. I particularly think that covid-19 , has affected all environments in the world considerably, what remains is to be able to make the necessary adjustments to be able to live with it , until it can be eradicated completely and move on.
Excellent publication that you share with us.

I believe that this pandemic came to teach us that life does not always obey to a line, to routines and that we must adapt to any circumstance. This virus has invaded all our fields of life and we are not even aware of any improvement. Learning to enjoy and value each achievement is essential ... good article

At first, I'd like to mention that I liked that you added your opinion on each point which made it a nice read.

COVID affected almost everything and everyone. The economy I believe is the most affected one since it's more important than socializing and it might not have a replacement unlike socializing also. The way that many shops closed, many people lost their money and not to mention that many countries are in a very bad situation because of that too.

When I was reading about socializing part I started thinking about kids who were supposed to go to school, explore life, and meet new people in order to build their personality. It all changed now, they can barely see anyone as their health is a priority, but in the long run, we will notice that those kids were affected pretty heavily especially on their personality.

Thanks for sharing!