You will all agree that rejection is painful and there is no other way around it. Many people want to be free to connect with others without being judged. You know the feeling that you are not loved is not a pleasant experience at all. So, it is very understandable that so many people greatly fear rejection, especially if it isn't their first time and they are worried about its re-occurrence.
But being scared of rejection to the extent that, we fail to risk certain things, could limit us from reaching our goals. These are some things that can help you overcome the fear of rejection as you move on with life. Let's get through them quickly.
You should have it in mind, that rejection happens to everyone. People experience rejection whether it is over small or large things. Some things we would consider as being little like not receiving an invitation to a friend's party, a friend ignoring our message, and big things like a long-time partner leaving you for someone else without a valid reason. That overall feeling that describes something not going your way comes with rejection, but reminding yourself that you are not the first to face rejection nor will you be the last, is very important.
Acknowledging how hurt you feel is also very important, regardless of where or what the source of the rejection is, it still hurts deeply. While other people may say it's no big deal, you understand how deeply hurt you feel, so it is important that you acknowledge that, indeed, you are hurt. Then you can begin to think of ways to confront and manage your level or zeal of productivity.
With every rejection, comes an opportunity to learn. Whenever you are being turned down from a job, or relationship, take out the available lessons from it and ensure that such does not repeat itself ever again. With rejection, you also need to constantly remind yourself of how special you are. With consistent rejection, you can begin to feel unacceptable and worthless, but you should remind yourself that you are special and there is none other like you.
Treating yourself with compassion all the time is highly important when rejection happens, it is only normal that you will feel so bad and unwanted. But, when you are able to treat yourself with adequate compassion, it will definitely reduce how bad you feel and definitely make you feel even more confident and loved.