From my years of being in a relationship, there is something I have learned over and again and that is the need for effective communication in a relationship. I was getting into constant arguments with my partner at some point in our lives because she doesn't like to talk much, she just believes I need to know what she needs and make it available. Our fights became a constant one because there was no way I would know what she needed without her communicating it with me.

Effective communication is a strong base for a healthy marriage, it is a channel for partners to connect especially in views and thoughts. When couples have effective communication, it creates an avenue for the expression of desires, feelings, and disappointments, this will help to build a strong bond as well as resolve conflicts.

If you want to communicate effectively, then you need to learn how to lower your defense and reduce the intention of trying to convey how you feel. For communication to be healthy, you must learn to listen to your partner's words, to understand how they truly feel. Here are some communication skills that will help save your relationship;
- Pay full attention: When your partner asks for your attention, give them your all, that isn't a time to get distracted. In this age, several things could distract a person, so stay off the internet, turn off the television, and pay attention to your partner.
- One of the best ways to communicate with your partner is face-to-face. Although texts can be valid, when it is a face-to-face type of communication, you both will give one another full attention which cannot be determined through text messages.
- Interrupting your partner during an argument is a quick way to get the argument escalated. Allow your partner to speak while you listen and they should do the same to you. The attention you give to your partner is a display of respect, and it is important for maintaining relationships.
- Honesty, is a major ingredient for a healthy relationship. When you are honest, it means you can tell your partner about issues that need to be discussed, this way you will admit when you are wrong and you will apologize rather than make excuses. Being honest also provides an avenue for the building of trust between partners.
- Do not ignore little things when speaking with your partner, because it is these little things that turn into big issues when they are not sorted on time. If you are in a serious relationship, make every topic open for discussion.