The Complex Path to Becoming a CEO

in hive-175254 •  last month 

Everyone wants a corner office at the top of a building with the CEO label, but not everyone has what the CEO possesses. Becoming CEO isn't about what you know and who you know, in fact becoming a CEO is just complex.

You see, the FTC bankruptcy showed a lot of people different shady practices and investment that CEOs do both within the company and outside the business. It is funny that for Sam Bankman-fred, people pay closer attention to him than the business he was running. Up until the collapse of the company, investors and venture capitalist were with him, and loved the fact that he was simple in his lifestyle since he wore the same shoes that baby boomers wore and was driving a Toyota corolla even though he was controlling a company that was valued billions of dollars. I can imagine those people seeing him as the next Warren Buffet.

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I just think that when it comes to becoming a CEO, do not become a visionary (it sound awkward I guess because that is who a CEO should be). In the world that we live now, celebrity CEOs are making more money and topping the charts than CEO who are visionaries. Funny enough, although some successful CEOs have been able to ride on the celebrity CEO boat, it has been a boat for so many fraudulent and bankrupt CEOs.

When we talk about visionary CEOs who are also Celebrity CEOs, we cannot but mention Elon, Mark, and Sundar Pichai. Musk has a power that CEOs shouldn't have because his mention on any cryptocurrency and investment, and it will skyrocket. With Visionary celebrity CEO, people follow them uptight, and before time their stocks are highly overvalued and at this point anything they say will either send their shares down or up. This is because people can get tired of a charismatic CEO but they won't be with CEO who hold big corporation as they have been for a very long period of time and they have earned their trust.

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CEOs who have been reminded of how smart they are for years are prone to making decisions hat can affect the company negatively as a result of erratic choices. People who invest in visionary CEOs put their money in the person behind the business as much as they put their money in the business and this is why people invested in companies like Theranos, WeWork, and FTX.

In the pursuit of the corner office, aspiring CEOs should strive to balance visionary leadership with grounded, ethical decision-making. While the allure of becoming a celebrity CEO can be tempting, it is crucial to remember that true success lies in sustainable, long-term growth and the trust of stakeholders. Celebrity status may bring immediate fame and fortune, but it is the consistent, strategic leadership that ultimately builds enduring companies.

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