You Can Improve Your Finance Faster (Not Getting Rich Fast)

in hive-175254 •  2 years ago 

A lot of people want to get rich quick or want a fast way to become rich. Actually, there is no fast root to becoming a millionaire or billionaire, but then, there are things that people need to know in other to get rich faster than you would expect.

Let me give you a spoiler; when people tell you that we rise by lifting others, or we grow our finances by helping others, that's a lie. The truth is people who are rich currently were not generous at the beginning. They were selfish and that was how they could gather wealth. If you are going to be successful financially, you need to use every resource you have to further yourself and not make other people rich. You cannot save yourself and others from drowning when you haven't learned how to swim properly just yet. Until you get to your destination, make it a thing of everyone for themselves and God for us all.

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People do not have to know when you are working, you do not need to tell anyone when you are putting in the effort. When you start to tell people about your work, you start to consider their opinions and in reality, their opinion doesn't matter at all unless they have been successful in the path you are about to take. What matters to you is your goal, and hitting it hard.

You are not studying theory in school, so there is no reason not to start like immediately. You need to get things done immediately, instead of talking for education and entertainment. If you are at the point of making money, then you just would learn more by doing and not studying. Instead of spending the entire day consuming content on how to become rich or how to do a business, spend the day doing the action and lesser time consuming content.

Still, on performing actions, you will not get what you desire or deserve bus what you conquer. Life is not fair especially when there is no leveled ground. Just be consistent and work with belief. Remember to make yourself rich first. Leave others when you are yet to find your feet. You cannot be everything at every time rather follow the money. If you have money, you can do all things easily.

Let me say this as I conclude. Pick one thing and do it consistently for 6 months. When you are done, let me know what you think about it. Lock yourself up, and do the needful for six months, and see what results you get.

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What I have learned recently is, simply thinking about these achievements or putting them in our imagination is not enough reason to get them done, the decision to actualize them, getting up on our feet, and putting in the work is the only way to get result. Thanks for the reminder.

Actions they say speak louder than words, I would like to put it as actions speak louder than imagination in this case, have a great week.