The Manager must be Leader or boss?

in hive-175254 •  5 years ago 
Surely you have read or listened to the various comments about people who occupy managerial positions in organizations and fail to get their team to achieve the proposed goals or objectives, one of the answers to this is that these people have not managed to be truly Managers.




It has been defined by the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy as: "person who directs or leads a political party, a social group or another collectivity".

Difference between leader and boss

The difference between these two terms is fundamental, under the premise that a leader achieves the objectives and / or goals for the encouragement and commitment he achieves on the members of his team.

On the contrary, the bosses do not achieve the goals for this reason, to achieve them they do so through imposition and even by force, threats and / or retaliation against their workers.

On the other hand, it should be noted that a leader motivates his team, commonly identifies its strengths and weaknesses in its members, in order to transform their weaknesses into strengths and propose achievable goals, reasons for inspiration and commitment and stimulate their sense of relevance. towards the organization.

In the case of the bosses, they usually have the conviction that the work is achieved by the force and intimidation of their workers, even using the need of many of them.

The difference between the two concepts and their impact on the organization is evident.



Scope of Objectives or Goals

One of the main concerns of the organizations is to achieve the objectives and / or goals proposed, whose managers to achieve this is headed by the Managers, hence the importance that they use the most suitable tools to obtain the best results.

It is important to highlight that those managers who achieve the leadership of their work team can assure their support and commitment to achieve the goals.

In this sense, from our beginnings, leadership was identified as the basis for achieving goals and triumphs in the wars and battles that peoples liberated.

An example of this is the work the Odyssey, exemplifying with Ulysses the perfect leader who unconditionally motivated the fight and triumph of battles.

Finally, Alfred Sonnenfeld must be highlighted in his book Ethical Leadership, who states that:

"Those who have best explained the leadership have been the Greek classics" an example of this is.




After analyzing the difference between both concepts, it is evident that the leader can achieve the goals and / or objectives set through the motivation of his team and identification with the organization in a harmonious and coordinated way.


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Thanks to read me and coment


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A good leader must have the good of team members and followed at heart, perfectly understanding their needs and acting in a fair manner.

Hi @ojerinde, thanks for your comment, I totally agree with your statement.

What many manager are ignored of is that they believe they must be the boss before they can command a positive results which is not so. A leader command positive results much more than a boss

Hi @mandate
Certainly a leader achieves better results through motivation and commitment to the organization. Thanks for your comment.

I think it must be a mixture of the two (but, be more leader than boss is better), because each of them has different characteristics, but which are necessary and complement each other.

Hi @wiseagent, thanks for your comment, excellent approach to the topic.

Leadership positions come with atoms of pride and if not controlled it will ruin things. Anyone who occupies a leadership position must always remember to remain humble.

Hi @oluwatobiloba

Thanks for your comment, humility is certainly important.

@janettyanez first of very nice article , yes a person should be a leader their are many reasons for that if you are a good leader you have people's support with you. A manager should be a good leader if he is not a good leader no one will agree with his think and no one will listen to him.

Hi @adityajainxds, certainly the commitment to the leader is essential which translates into support.Thanks for your comment.

The Manager by definition is the leader. However, they must then guide their colleagues with respect in order to successfully achieve the goals set out by the organization.

Hi @tsharpaphi
Respect is the basis of everything and within an organization I particularly consider it to be fundamental. Thanks for your comment.

Dear @janettyanez

Another great piece, absolutely worth my time and attention :) Solid read.

I've realized that one of the most important features of solid leader is his/hers capability to continue being a leader during difficult times. During crisises. When people need them the most.

That's where many leaders fail. So many are doing only "good job" during easy times.

ps. the way you described "boss" does look like every boss = evil hahaha :) Little bit to extreme in my opinion.

Enjoy your weekend,
Cheers, Piotr

Hi @crypto.piotr

I share your opinion, in fact I consider that the "true" leaders are measured in difficult times and how they face situations to get the best out of them.
I apologize to everyone who read me if I gave the impression that boss = bad, I will be more careful to express myself more objectively for my next posts.
Thanks for your comment and equally happy weekend
Take care, @janettyanez

Hmmm... What a lovely description and insight about who a leader and a boss is. I think I will rather be a leader than to be a boss.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead

Hi @hardaeborla
I honestly prefer to be a leader too
Thanks for your lovely comment, Happy day

A leadership position is indeed one that must be considered with every atom of carefulness and discipline.

Hi @frederickbangs
This is care and a lot of discipline, both fundamental. Thanks for your comment