How close is Pascal to building a blockchain-powered messenger?

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 


Flashback to a previous article, blockchain project – PASCAL is building a robust messaging application on top of its blockchain. The Pascal messenger is being designed to fit into the cravings of contemporary society while connecting the missing dots in human communication. One after the other, Pascal is fixing a lot while remaining relatively unnoticed… or rather ‘ignored’.

According to the development proposals and discussions by the developers, the Pascal messenger will utilize already existing features on the Pascal blockchain and a couple of newly developed features to enable the messaging on the Pascal blockchain.

Achieving perfect privacy and seamless communication sounds like a tough mission; well, it actually is. Developers working on this application are well aware of this and are meticulously developing the features of the Pascal messenger, one after the other. From every look of things, the Pascal messenger is in very active development as the development team continue to achieve new milestones regularly.

Our previous article on this, featured design templates for the application’s user interface. Apart from a unique-looking user interface, the developers are adopting unique technologies to develop a sophisticated back-end which delivers efficient functionalities and powers the core features of the application.

Efficiency of the messenger is powered by scalability and high throughput of the Pascal blockchain itself. It flaunts blockchain-level efficiency and speed as messages are sent as blockchain transactions with enhanced sending and reception efficiency. Pascal blockchain’s impressive speed of 1600 transactions per second ensures instant transfer of text messages and overall smooth running of the messaging application. Text transfer and validation process triggers a couple more back-end commands to ensure untampered transfer of text and multimedia information from the sender to the receiver.


Privacy features of the application will be subject to senders’ and receivers’ preferences. Messages are sent as blockchain transactions; however, Pascal blockchain address can be named. ‘Named’, literally. Account owners can choose to name their addresses. Address names are so powerful that senders can simply to make transaction with these names as the addresses. Pascal account names are not mere tags, a named account bears the name on the blockchain and the name can be used in place of the numeric address, completely. Pascal messenger’s privacy vests partly on users’ preferences as regards account nominalization as transaction addresses bears the users’ names if they decide to name their accounts.

Well, Pascal messenger’s privacy isn’t dependent on this. Pascal blockchain’s ‘Payload’ feature adds another level of encryption ability to token and text transfers. Users once again are in charge of the visibility of their transaction. Users who wish their conversation to stay private simply needs to encrypt the payload. Receivers easily decrypts the transaction and receives a completely untampered information. Eavesdroppers will be unable to intercept the communication process if the payload is encrypted. As already mentioned, anonymity of the sender depends on their preference as regards account nominalization.

Web version of the Pascal messenger will also be available. Integrating the messenger into the wallets puts decentralized finance and communication side-by-side; however, a web application speeds up adoption and simplifies use by a larger population. The web application is a replica of the application integrated into wallets. It comes with more enhancements, simplicity and flexibility. Web applications are sleek and devoid of special device requirement, a blockchain-powered chat application reaches out to way more users than the conventional mobile applications.

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Pascal developers are crafting a product which solves problem without growing into a problem itself. An easy-to-use application with specialized privacy features and minimal complications will reconnect the dots in human communication. Development and every line on code brings us close the release of the first version of the Pascal chat application, trust me to keep you updated too!

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