Artificial intelligence: creating or destroying jobs?

in hive-175254 •  2 years ago 

Hello friends of the Project Hope community, I hope that for all of you this week that begins will be of great benefit. Today I want to share with you a post where I will talk about a topic that we could say, without fear of being wrong, that is a trend today, it even causes fear for some people, while in others it generates fascination, let's talk about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the impact it could have on the generation or elimination of employment.

Debating the impact of AI on employment is a recurring theme in the media and in academia, as well as in social networks, with friends in everyday life.... There are those who argue that AI will lead to major job destruction, but on the other hand there are others who argue that new jobs will be created in the technology industry. This is the general focus of the discussions.

In this post I will share some of the arguments that support both positions and reflect on the implications of AI in the labor market, I would like to invite you to read and finally discuss about it.



First, AI is undoubtedly transforming the way many tasks are performed. The automation of routine, everyday processes, both in life and work, such as data classification or reporting, has led to cost reductions and increased efficiency in many companies. This is something extremely remarkable, and more and more companies are joining this trend.

If we analyze well, this can have a direct impact on employment, since workers engaged in these tasks may lose their jobs if they are replaced by robots or programs based on artificial intelligence. Examples of this are supermarket cashiers being replaced by self-checkout systems or factory workers being replaced by assembly robots. Events that have been occurring for decades, however, in recent months this has become increasingly real.

Added to this is the fact that there is a war against inflation, in which part of the monetary policies are aimed at increasing unemployment.



However, I should also point out that AI has created new job opportunities. Advances in technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and automation have led to the creation of new industries, such as virtual reality, cybersecurity, or biotechnology. These industries are creating new jobs that require specialized skills, such as programming, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and other related technological fields.

In this sense, AI is transforming the labor market by creating new jobs that did not exist a decade ago. It is from this that some support the fact that new jobs and even new professions are being generated.

However, training and educating workers for the new jobs that arise with AI can be a problem. Workers who lose their jobs due to automation do not always have the skills needed for the new jobs being created. Therefore, investment in education and training is needed to ensure that workers can adapt to changes in the labor market. In addition, there is a risk that AI will widen the gap between highly skilled and less skilled workers, which may increase inequality in society in the near future.

This is part of my thoughts on the matter, I would like to know your opinion on this topic, I will gladly read what you have to say in the comments.


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We are the hope!

Interesting read, to start with AI are taking over the writing industry, it has really make complex work much easy, fair answer AI is taking over Job.

Yes, it is a reality, it is facilitating many processes. There will always be its pros and cons. We can't fight that.

Absolutely amazing post. And there is possibilities of job loss in many sectors but not for everyone. At the end, every technoogy comes with advantages and disadvantages and we can make good use of it so it is depended on us .

Yes, I think it is up to each person to know how to use technology to have benefits, more pro than against.

But the new era of AI like ChatGPT are writing articles and dawing images, creating art so it's big they may take over writers like us??

What you detailed was the situation earlier now its more advantaced I think...

Anyway your post reminded of Charlie and CHocolate factory movie...

Charlie's Dad lost his job in Toothpaste factory because machine did his assembling job..

Later Charlie's Dad got his job back to repair the machine that did the assembly work...

I think it tells a lot right?

Anyway... its wonderful movie Charlie and chololate factory, you should see it... loopalumpus... what singing...ha...

AI can't do that... yet that well atleast!!

I have not seen that movie heh heh, I must confess. But I know it's a classic, and I'm sure it must have a lot of good ideas.

Well, as in everything, there are nuances, for some the AI ​​turns out to be very good, for others not so much.

In my particular case, I think it's a good thing, we just have to learn and see how we can take advantage of it, thanks for your valuable comment.

Hey, there's a AI operated DEX... you know coming up in Polkadot...

AI bot which does trading analysis and then getting hedging stratergies based on its learned logic!!

You want to know about that?

Ohh, that sounds very interesting. Sure, I'd be interested to know about it.