Health Emergency and its Potential Global Economic Repercussions

in hive-175254 •  27 days ago 

Hello friends of Project HOPE, my sincere greetings, I hope you are all well. I don't know if this thing of having a pandemic again will happen, but things seem to be leaning in that direction, I hope not, I repeat, I hope not.

For some weeks now they have been talking about a state of international health alert given that the disease caused by the monkeypox virus is spreading across the African continent, and not only that, but cases have already been detected in European countries. , which is quite serious, to tell the truth, but beyond this, do you think we are ready for a new pandemic?, I particularly think not, not even to enter into any type of crisis, because the economic repercussions They would be very complex.


There is a reality, and that is that the world has not fully recovered from the Covid 19 pandemic, there are countries highly indebted, many companies went bankrupt, millions of people were left unemployed, people died, families were left without heads of household, Anyway, there are many effects of what ended just a couple of years ago, and if you want to think that the global economy could go through something similar, it is worrying.

The detail is that, although we do not want to assume it, the data suggests that a fairly strong global economic recession could come, and if we add to this the fact that there are various wars in progress, the outlook may tend to become more complicated, and if Hopefully not, another pandemic similar to the previous one is brewing, the problem will be enormous, and I really hope not.


I'm not being pessimistic at all, I'm not one of those, but I have been seeing things that I don't like regarding the development of this health emergency and how quickly it is spreading to other countries, and I don't like what I'm seeing. seeing, I don't know if you.

I am with a positive mind, assuming that it will not happen from there, this health emergency that the WHO has recently decreed, but I follow what is happening very closely, because the best thing is to know where things are going, to be able to make predictions.


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