Hello friends of Project HOPE, I hope you are all doing well. Today I want to share something that came up from a conversation I had with a friend, who is a salesman and his financial stability has been centered on selling many things throughout his life.
I definitely think that learning sales is a very important tool for life, and I don't just say that because you can make money with it, but because it teaches you skills that are useful for almost any situation.***

Yesterday I had a conversation with a friend who works in sales, and he told me that before he got into this, he had a really hard time talking to people, even for simple things like asking for information in a store or negotiating the price of something. Now, after years in this, he not only expresses himself better, but he has learned to understand people, to read their intentions, their needs, and that has helped him in many other aspects of his life.
I found it interesting because deep down, we all sell something all the time, even if we don't realize it. When you're looking for a job, you're selling yourself as the best option for the position. When you want to convince someone to go out with you, you're selling the idea that it will be a good plan. Even when you argue with someone and try to get them to see things from your perspective, you're using sales skills. It's not just a matter of offering a product and closing a transaction, but of learning to communicate effectively, to persuade without being invasive, to build trust.

Also, there's something key to this, and that is that rejection stops affecting you as much. One of the things that holds people back the most is the fear of "no", of failure, of being ignored or rejected. But when you learn sales, you understand that a "no" is not personal, but part of the process. And that, believe me, is one of the best lessons you can learn in life.
I'm not saying that everyone should dedicate themselves to selling products or services, but it is worth learning the basics, even if it's for everyday life. Knowing how to present yourself, how to express yourself and how to connect with others is something that can open many doors for you, more than you imagine, don't you think?