The world is changing

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 

Hello community, I hope you had a great week, and that next week will be much better. These last days I have been following the development of the G7 meeting, these powerful countries that like it or not dominate the world, however, I feel that even though they have a lot of power, things are turning around little by little, I would like to explain below why I think that in the economic plane everything is changing.

Well, it is no secret to anyone that in general terms the United States has had until now a great dominance over the world economy, it can be easily seen when we realize that the US dollar is the main currency worldwide, it is the world reference, at least until now, they are practically involved in all the problems worldwide, in theory serving as a mediator in different conflicts, that is, they are the power... However, this is changing.



Currently China has had a great dominance over the world economy, their way of doing business has made them literally be with their products at low cost around the world, Made in China is something we see in many products, which speaks of its scope and how it is increasingly gaining more ground, I guess in this particular I do not have much more to say, because we are aware.

In the scientific and technological plane, artificial intelligence, robotics, among many other things, they are very advanced, so we could say that this is an area that they are also dominating, above the Americans, who have always been at the forefront of all this.

If we go to the military and arms plane, Russia, one of the main rivals of North America, has had a career that has led it to be the country with the largest army and the greatest power in weapons worldwide, and we know that from the war point of view, whoever has an advantage in this aspect can exert pressure in different ways, and they do it, to dominate also in the economic plane.



On the other hand, the advent of cryptocurrencies has opened up a range of opportunities that has hit banks hard, and will get even worse as cryptos are taken up by more people, either as safe haven currencies, or to do their transactions.

I particularly use the bank rarely, to switch to fiat money once a month, to cover basic expenses, otherwise, I don't do anything else at the bank. And I guess many will be under the same situation, so cryptos are there as something important, as a change agent of the world economy and finance, I assume you will agree with me.

For these reasons I have discussed, I can assure you that in 10-20 years everything that is a reality today, will have changed. I would like to know your opinion on this.

Thank you in advance for reading my post.

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hello @josevas217,
it is the history of mankind, empires rise and empires fall today Portugal the shipping and trading power is no longer the shadow of its former self, it is possible that China or India will be one of the powers that dominate the world in a few years time although I am not sure it is a good future that these controlled economies will be the ones that dominate things, only time will tell who will be crowned king of the world in the coming years.

it is possible that China or India will be one of the powers that dominate the world in a few years time

I feel there is possibility with China and not with India. Maybe in many decades from now, India could be, but not in few years from now.

if it is changing so fast that i think that according to your estimation 10 years is too far, i would bet for 2 to 4 years. this pandemic generated by the chinese has accelerated everything. in all world areas especially to those three countries, United States, Russia and China.

i would bet for 2 to 4 years

I doubt it will be possible in this short period of time. 10 -20 years, might be possible. Although, China is already controlling major part of the world already, so anything might be possible, your estimation of 2 - 4 years might be possible too

That's the world, every day, every year, every decade is different, we will probably see different ways of dominations over the world even though crypto because the dominating countries like China and US won't just keep looking at the people, start doubting their dominance over the world, so in one way or another it will be kinda impossible for them to get a little weaker in my opinion.

so in one way or another it will be kinda impossible for them to get a little weaker

I like your way of reasoning, I completely agree with you @lennyblogs

Change is the only constant thing in life, so I am not too bothered seeing the positive change. Covid added it change and right now a lot of person are enjoying because their job went remote.

That's right, nothing more permanent than change, and although for many this situation has been very difficult, for many it has been beneficial.

We voted for change in Nigeria, we didn't know that change can be both positive and negative. Now we are understanding it, in the worse possible way. So, don't think it would be positive change, because it can also be a negative change.

Certainly, we're heading to another world where we're going to see different powers, different economies, and different standards.
I think the united states along with other western nations will do its best to resist such a change, but sooner or later, this change will be inevitable.

Resistance is always there, will always be, the important thing is to see how each one of us, from the little or much we have, can benefit from all this

The world has been changing, at one time Egypt was ruling this world, then Rome of Italy, ruled the world, so it will notice a change in power but I doubt it will be anytime soon

it can be easily seen when we realize that the US dollar is the main currency worldwide,

True and Not only this but united states also powerful in military. Anyway world is changing and obviously crypto will play major role here in financial sector. Looking forward to see such posts again. keep sharing..

Surely yes, I will continue to share these crazy ideas that go through my head heh heh heh heh.
Thanks for commenting.

Yes I agree with you the world is changing , currently we have seen a situation of covid-19 how it affect the whole world and still some countries are struggling to overcome from this situation. But I am sure soon we will see a very different world in 5-10 years.

Covid-19 really affected a whole of people negatively. I hope we notice a positive change soonest

@tipu curate

Hi my friend @josevaz217 you are very right that the world is changing, however my concern is that countries with non-democratic system of government are taking power in making decisions that affect the world economy. On the other hand I believe that technology and the development of artificial intelligence is much more developed in Japan, however that is also debatable. There are anthropological studies that trace the end of humanity as we know it in 2050 because the planet does not support any more abuses on our part, but as I say, that is still debatable because we were also told that in 2000 cars would fly and we have not seen any flying in the strict sense of the word. Thank you for sharing with us these topics that make us think.

There are anthropological studies that trace the end of humanity as we know it in 2050

I thought they said the world end in 2012 and we are in 2021, so I don't believe their studies and I feel that they are most times wrong. Humans are too smart to go out of existence in 2050. It is quite laughable. I like how you debunk their studies with the flying cars, that we are yet to see @emimoron

There is undoubtedly going to be a great economic switch and so many occurrence will occur during the process of making that change but gladly we are part of the huge change.

There is undoubtedly going to be a great economic switch

Why do you say that and when do you think it might occur @futurekr?

It is true that the world is changing very fast and the economic power might change hand even sooner than we think definitely the great advantage of cryptocurrency over traditional banking system will make this possible.

the economic power might change hand even sooner than we think

I doubt that very much. I see no evidence pushing towards that direction. You can't mention China, because China has been a huge country with a lot of controlling influence in many countries currently. But let's watch and see how it will go.

@tipu curate

Thanks for support

Hello @josevas217, specifically about the changes at an economic level that we are witnessing, I believe that the force with which crypto assets advance will not only affect banks, I also believe that it will affect the strongest currencies and within a very short time, these are changes that we will see progressively and could cause an economic debacle on many levels.

See you

Yes, it seems unbelievable, but before we reach a new economic system, very difficult times will come, that is the reality. Fortunately we are here, and we can see how things are progressing.

Hmmmmm, crypto will definitely affect banks in years to come, as it is already affecting it now. But I don't it would be able to affect the strongest curriencies like usd, because they need to facilitate conversion of cryptos.

I'm feeling that the impact that crypto will have in the world in 10 - 20 years from now, would be very huge. I just only wish I have enough capital to invest now at it's lowest point.

Thanks for sharing this wonderful article with us @josevas217