Smart work leads to productivity

in hive-175254 •  2 years ago 

The concept of productivity is mostly misunderstood, and the reason is that people attach hard work to be productive. Hard work gets the job done but being productive comes from working smart, and that's where many people have lost it. Smart work is used to get this done more efficiently and effectively. Working smart helps save time and costs and also still gets the job done.

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A good example is when a writer wants to create a post or article on a blog and he wants to rank high on a search engine. The traditional way is to write a great post and upload it, then go ahead to promote the article, which will drive traffic to the site and the blog in particular. However, this way is effective, but it is not efficient, and that's where smart work comes in. To work smart, the writer could use tools to help detect smart vital words, making the content score high on the search engine.

Working smart means a lot to many people, but cutting corners and endangering another fella is not one of them. I come from a country where smart work is usually associated with cunning people who works hard to make a living. But for the sake of humanity and morality, detaching from that habit will help save your soul.

Sorry for the digression; I needed to get that out. Working smart is not abandoning the traditional ways of doing things but improving them to make them efficient. For example, the traditional way of counting money is using your hands to count it and applying oil to the tip of your fingers so that the issue of double counting will set in. However, thanks to technology, we have a money counter now and utilizing it to count money makes that process much more productive.

So as we advance, work smart by employing the use of your brain rather than the use of your Fist. Productivity can be achieved in two ways: cutting down costs and attaining maximum results or cutting down the time to attain the maximum output. So, having productivity in your mind when facing time will make your work efficient and effective.

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We cannot completely set aside the old methods of doing things, but carrying out those tasks in an improved pattern would do so much good, working smart is never turning our backs against the technological improvements associated with the jobs we do.

That is exactly the point.. Thanks for further clarifying my thoughts