8 Interesting Skin-Related Facts You Should Know

in hive-175254 •  2 years ago 


If you're reading this, that means you live on planet Earth, which is a pretty cool place to be. But it also means you have skin, and if you don't know much about it, this post is for you! Here are eight facts that we hope will teach your skin more about itself:


Photo by Valeria Smirnova on Unsplash

  1. Skin cells regenerate every 27 days or so - meaning that aging isn't really a thing; the cells are just changing.
  2. Your body produces enough oil to make a quarter-cup of sebum each day – which is naturally antibacterial and helps protect against dryness and bad bacteria.
  3. The average person sheds 40 lbs of skin in their lifetime – that's like a fat person losing 20 lbs (but, you know, without the fitness).
  4. If your ears itch, they're probably just dirty. The reason we scratch them is to clean out all the dirt that collects in our ear canals.
  5. Your skin is actually pretty good at holding on to water – all it takes is a thin layer of hydrophobic ointment or cream (like aquaphor and vaseline) and you can stay wet for up to five hours. Try it and you'll be amazed!
  6. Your body produces enough saliva each day to fill two fountain soda bottles.
  7. Your body absorbs more through your skin than through your mouth, so the better you take care of it, the more nutrients and vitamins you'll get.
  8. The average person has enough skin to cover five blankets, two pillows and a queen-sized mattress. (Hahaha! I just realized that this is as much skin as a fat person loses in their lifetime! That's weird.)

Common skin conditions

The internal factors that can influence the health and aspect of your skin, and these are some of the common skin conditions and diseases.
Acne (Acne is not really a disease, but it's a state of skin where there are big, pigment-rising clumps of skin cells on your face and neck. Acne can be triggered by hormones, stress and diet. The concept that you should wash your face at least twice a day is nonsense. Washing twice a day will only make the pimples worse.


Photo by Valeria Smirnova on Unsplash


Your body gets rid of bacteria in its own way, so don't worry about washing your face twice or thrice a day.

Ringworm (A fungal infection that can affect hair, skin or nails).


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These are amazing facts which I never knew. The first point particular drew my attention. That means that the body has a self-healing ability and can regenerate... maybe like the wolverine? 🙂

Thanks for sharing buddy

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our skin is that magical protective layer that protects us from everything bad that is out there yet the common person knows so little about it.
Nice and informative post.