Conceptualizations of elastic thinking

in hive-175254 •  last month 


Today I wanted to share with all the users who follow my blog, some theoretical considerations and at the same time of reflective nature around the elastic thinking, in other words, these brief lines are dedicated to those people with flexible minds who like movement, curiosity, exploration, humor, creativity, irreverence and, above all, to test themselves.

People with elastic thoughts, are flexible minded so they generally maintain opinions, beliefs and principles, but they are willing to change and are in full contact with reality, that is, they move forward modifying under patterns with lifestyles that tend to reinvent themselves, grow, update, review, doubt and scrutinize without suffering traumas.

Notably, elastic thinkers, unlike analytical thinkers who are guided by logic and sequence, elastic or flexible thinkers thrive in situations that involve breaking boundaries and trying new thing.

Source / Author: Counselling, 2015

Putting into practice the power of elastic thinking is an excellent psychological profile therapy in search of flexible guidelines to deal with how we should adapt our thinking to change, taking advantage of what our brain is good for, an element that will allow us to fall into egocentrism, i.e. to be prisoners of our often biased points of view.

Hence, putting into practice the power of elastic thinking, or what experts call cognitive flexibility, gives us the possibility of adapting our behaviors, thoughts and feelings according to the circumstances, without making the mistake of doing emotional damage to ourselves.

In closing, I would like to highlight an expression often repeated by experts in psychology, which is "being psychologically flexible allows you to make the most optimal use of the resources you have available to deal with stress", therefore, those who suffer from psychological inflexibility tend to use a very narrow range of their resources to be able to adapt to the environment.


Gurmehr K., and Jonathan F Review of Elastic: Flexible Thinking in a Time of Change, by Leonard Mlodinow. New York: Pantheon Books. Link

Bernet R The Limits of Conceptual Thinking. Link


The cover image was designed by the author: @lupafilotaxia, incorporating the public domain image background: Source / Author: Pixabay, 2019

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I am more of analytical thinker but I will try to put into practice elastic thinking

Hi @dprogress

Elastic thinking decreases the daily stress levels faced by people with excessive responsibilities.

Best regards, be well.