Digital connectivity and fast thinking syndrome

in hive-175254 •  2 months ago 

Digital connectivity in modern times has made it easier for us to connect via internet with people from all over the world, to be able to exercise work relationships via internet, as well as the possibility of studying online, as well as being able to connect with family or friends from a distance through the use of video calls, or any other type of digital connection.

I mentioned the above list because, when we refer to the great technological advances in terms of digital connectivity in modern times, we immediately associate this with advantages and social welfare, despite the fact that the digital era has led to the elimination of jobs, dependence on technological devices, less human interaction, sedentary lifestyles and social isolation.

Fig. 2 Digital connectivity is causing accelerated thinking syndrome (APS) and psychological ascendancy of a negative nature in people. Public domain image, Author: TheDigitalArtist, 2017

However, beyond the social disadvantages that digital connectivity has brought about in people, there is an element of greater concern such as the syndrome of accelerated thinking (SPA), which is a condition of psychological ascendancy of a negative nature catalogued as the evil of this century.

Digital connectivity is the main cause of the syndrome of accelerated thinking, mainly because people, being constantly connected to the Internet, usually suffer from anxiety, as a result of prolonged activity in front of computers, and the excess of information that ends up triggering worries, elements that accelerate the mind at an unimaginable speed.

While we often hear that excessive digital connectivity leads to lack of interaction in the real world, feelings of loneliness and depression, it is worth noting that the syndrome of accelerated thinking is the most dangerous risk, but also the least mentioned.

For Augusto Cury, a Brazilian psychiatrist and expert in accelerated thinking syndrome, an anxious professional has low productivity, thinks a lot, but his thoughts are more sterile, his answers are less intelligent, he lacks depth and assertiveness, therefore, it is important that those of us who make constant use of digital connectivity choose to take corrective measures that tend to generate balance in search of our psychological health.


[1] Cury A A psychiatrist who says that "an accelerated syndrome of thought" is the evil of this century. Article: Online Access


The cover image was designed by the author: @lupafilotaxia, incorporating the public domain image background: Free-Photos, 2016

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I never knew there is a fast thinking syndrome called like this. It is actually something to definitely look out for I strongly believe