Death of the Dollar – 1–30 (Compilation … includes links to all previous posts in this series)

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 

This compilation comprises direct links to posts 1 – 30 of this series, in chronological order.
Death of the Dollar–1

Everybody Should Abandon US Dollar, says Peter Schiff

The boom is over. The collapse is imminent. The dollar is doomed. 
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Death of the Dollar–2

As Trade War Rages, China Diversifying out of US Dollar

By decoupling from the US economy, China can reduce its dependence on the greenback. 
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Death of the Dollar–3

Russia aims to reduce US$ share, says Celente

The trend is clear. It will spell the end of US dominance and control. 
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Death of the Dollar–4

Will Global De-Dollarization Collapse The Greenback? asks Andrew Moran

The US dollar will become an inconsequential local currency with little value. 
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Death of the Dollar–5

Time To "Leave The Dollar" says Erdogan

These initiatives are part of the government’s overall plan for de-dollarization. 
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Death of the Dollar–6

Fed’s Monopoly to be Challenged by South Carolina. Ya, South Carolina!

The valueless paper money has been used to extract wealth from those of us who use paper money. It’s called counterfeiting. 
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Death of the Dollar–7

BRICS Nations Moving Away from US$, into Shared Crypto

A unified crypto would allow BRICS nations to circumvent US control and obstacles. 
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Death of the Dollar–8

Destruction of the Dollar ~ Doug Casey

Hyper-inflation will result in the destruction of the dollar, and other fiat currencies. 
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Death of the Dollar–9

Money-Printing Could Lead US into “Economic Ruin”

The recent money-printing frenzy is just a lame attempt to avoid the inevitable crash. 
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Death of the Dollar–10

No Real Bottom for The Dollar

This permanent round of money-printing will rob us of our savings and wealth. 
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Death of the Dollar–11

Will US Trade Policy Destroy US Dollar?

Owing to the trade war and various other factors, the US$ is doomed. 
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Death of the Dollar–12

China's Gold-Backed Crypto-Currency Will Blindside US$ ~ Max Keiser

The US could suffer an economic “Pearl-Harbor-type” event in the coming year. 
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Death of the Dollar–13

The Taxonomy of Collapse ~ Charles Hugh Smith

The only way to repay that massive debt is to debauch the currency. 
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Death of the Dollar–14

Carney Calls for Replacement of Dollar

The current regime is dysfunctional and beset by various deficiencies. 
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Death of the Dollar–15

Can US Continue to Dominate Global Financial System

The US dollar’s status as the reserve currency and as a safe haven will end. 
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Death of the Dollar–16

Blockchain Could Temper Risk of Holding US$ ~ WEF

US dollar hegemony has resulted in an over-reliance on the US dollar. 
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Death of the Dollar–17

Modern Monetary Theory Will Kill the Dollar

Printing an unlimited amount of money will result in hyperinflation, and economic devastation. 
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Death of the Dollar–18

Weak Economy, Weak Hands, and a Weak Dollar

Lower rates and more QE would only hasten the coming disaster. 
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Death of the Dollar–19

Has Fed Triggered the Collapse of US$?

The merciless genie is out of the bottle. 
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Death of the Dollar–20

USA Escalates its “Democratic” Oil War

The confrontations will only hasten the demise of the US dollar. 
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Death of the Dollar–21

World is Sleepwalking Towards Currency Collapse

The future depression will be like the past depression. But worse. 
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Death of the Dollar–22

Fast Track to Runaway Inflation ~ James Rickards

Like a deadly cancer, it’s growing and intensifying. And we are nearing the tipping point. 
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Death of the Dollar–23

Owing to US Sanctions, the World May Abandon US$

They are searching for, finding, and developing ways to bypass and abandon the US$. 
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Death of the Dollar–24

Dollar Collapse Could Send Gold to $50,000

To achieve balance, the price of gold will have to rise exponentially. 
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Death of the Dollar–25

US$ Could Collapse as Petro-Dollar Crumbles

Soon, King Dollar will lose its supremacy, and the dollar will be just another insignificant local currency. 
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Death of the Dollar–26

US Dollar has Started to Tank ~ Peter Schiff

We can no longer kick the can down the road. 
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Death of the Dollar–27

US Dollar is Confronted by 3-Pronged Threat

Abandon all dollars, ye who linger here. 
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Death of the Dollar–28

China Starts Ditching Dollar ~ News with Rick Sanchez

As the dollar loses value and importance, many nations are preparing to dump it. 
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Death of the Dollar–29

US Dollar Collapse Goes Mainstream

The US$ is fake money, and is best avoided. 
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Death of the Dollar–30

Russia Joins China in De-Dollarization Drive

Gold is “an excellent substitute for traditional investment in US dollars.” 
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@tipu curate

Lol, fiat is still far away from dead, cryptocurrencies and other stores of value still has a long way to go before they will be convienent enough to replace fiat, especially dollar. So we will see fiat for a longer time.

Sure, fiat currencies will remain with us for quite a while yet. But their value will drop in relation to real deflationary money, such as precious metals and cryptos.

Moreover, fiat currencies will continue to be used, but primarily for smaller transactions. But even for such payments, cryptos might surpass fiat currency. In fact, already in China, most people do not carry any cash. All payments are made electronically. That will make it so much easier for cryptos to replace fiat.