US Zombie Future ~ Mitch Feierstein … (Death of the Dollar–36) with Video

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 

As the economy continues to decay and decline, the US dollar will be crushed.

Mitch Feierstein (on Keiser Report) –

US Zombie Future

          (Relevant comments begin @ 13:40)

– Flash Points –

1 – Central banks have “destroyed value”  in various markets.
2 – Fiat currencies are overvalued, particularly the US$.
3 – In the coming decade, US$ hegemony will come to an end.
4 – Gold, silver, and other commodities are cheap. Buy low, buy now.

– Synopsis –

On a recent Keiser Report, investor and writer Mitch Feierstein spoke with Max about the tenuous situation of both the US economy and the global economy.  

King Dollar is Dying

In the coming decade, fiat currencies will lose their appeal. In particular, the US dollar will suffer the consequences. During bull markets, the US dollar may be seen as a “safe haven.”  But as fiat currencies collapse, King Dollar will lose its hallowed status.    (Image source)

Along with the US dollar, the British pound sterling is certainly “problematic.”  So is the euro, and so is the Chinese yuan. Their collapses are imminent. When all those currencies crash, hyperinflation will result. 

Planet Ponzi 

According to Feierstein, the economy has “stalled,”  and no amount of stimulus can revive it. The soaring stock market does not reflect a “robust economy.”

In fact, the stock market has become “a ponzi scheme.”  Stock-market earnings peaked way back in 2014. Since then, the stock market has increased only as a result of stock buybacks. Any supposed “growth”  is entirely illusory.   (Image source)

US about to Turn Japanese 

Feierstein noted that the US is following the precarious path that Japan has taken during its 3 lost decades.  To put it mildly, this situation will “not end well.”  To put it frankly, it will end like hell.

– Insight from Outside –

The tipping point is near. The economy is not vibrant, not even healthy. The economy is tanking. That will lead to an increase in the price of precious metals. 

Gold Shines in the Gloom 

As host Max Keiser noted, the reason that the price of gold and other precious metals is increasing is not because of any supposed economic growth. Quite to the contrary, the prices of those commodities are rising only because of their value as assets.

As the global economy continues to decay and decline, the US dollar will be crushed. The pound, the euro, the yuan and many other currencies will join the dollar as it sinks into oblivion.   (Image source)

      Previous posts in this series – "Death of the Dollar, Posts 1–30"  

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