Is Competition Good Or Bad For Your Business??

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 

In this world, most times we faced some things or situations that we see as bad and it later turns out to be good for us and also most times we see or faced some things or situations that look good but they turns out to be bad to us, that is how life is.

One major topic I will like to discuss about today is competitions in business whether it is good for your business or bad for your business. What do you think?


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First what is competition as a definition. Competition is a strive to achieve or get the same position, prize, awards . So from the definition only one thing is certain, competition involves striving to achieve similar success. Now from my point of view in the Definition, the word Strive makes it actually somehow a bad stuff for you or in your business.

Why? The word Strive involves trying to get to the top and you have another competitor along the way trying to drag it with you. Does that not sound dangerous to you?? Perhaps you should have a rethink of it.

Now the second part or the second word which was involved is success which makes the competition good for your business. How? Take a deep breath while I explain it in my next part of the the post

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I start from the philosophy that you have to be competitive and that you do not take risks, do not achieve your success, apart in an organization when it is competitive, it shows the solidity that it is, apart from analyzing its strength and weakness.

Well said.
Thanks for your valuable comments

When it comes to business, competition is good for it. It helps to brings quality product to the market. For example, if you are selling inferior items, you will like to go for something better once you know that there is someone selling same product with good quality. So competition helps in so many ways. I can go on and on to keep saying how good it is.

I noticed competitions always bring out the best in a business

Personally I think that competition is good to see our business grow, because through competition we can improve many aspects that will help us make our business more attractive to customers. Greetings and thanks for sharing.

You are right.
Thanks for your valuable comments

Good articulation, I think that competition is healthy now what is not healthy is overheating the market that means that if many people are in the same business they end up ruining the market

Hmmm. You are right and many people ignore that aspect you talked about

I believe it is normal for businesses to get into competition but when it becomes a game of death and survival then it is not a good one at all.

Yes. Most time people always take competitions in business too far than expected