Most Important Questions To Ask Yourself Today

in hive-175254 •  2 years ago  (edited)

Good Day everyone. Today I bring to you all an exciting topic that will make you sit up and push you towards achieving the desired goals and objectives you have set for yourself. Most times, some questions we ask ourselves would make us change the way we think, thus helping us become more aware of things we shouldn't be doing and should be doing. The exciting topic is, Most Important Questions To Ask Yourself Today. This article promises to be exciting, educative, as well as informative, so do well to find somewhere quiet and comfortable, so as to read through this amazing article I made just for you.

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We should start learning how to coach ourselves by simply taking moments to pause and asking ourselves simple questions that would make us to propelling to the right path. For instance, you have been depressed for weeks. Imagine, you ask yourself the question, why am I depressed? Always ensure you try to write down your answers, just answering the questions in your head isn't as effective as writing them down in a book or piece of paper. Let's get back to the question, why am I depressed? You will understand why you are depressed. Then ask yourself, what can I do currently that would change my current situation positively? When you keep asking yourself some hard questions and giving completely honest answers, you would notice that you will come up with a brilliant solution to your situation.


Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

For this practice to be productive and propel you towards achieving your set goals and objectives, you would have to be completely honest with yourself. You can't really move past the situation if you are not been true to yourself. Many people don't like accepting some hard truths about themselves, and that's a major reason why they can't attain the success they deserve so deeply. Imagine a female who is having issues getting a man to stay with her attracting over 6 good men in the past two months towards her, but they are all leaving after a maximum of 5 days. Her issue is that she likes to drink and get drunk almost every evening. But she doesn't want to admit to herself that she is an alcoholic, so push the blame on the men and says, they don't deserve her and can't handle her huge personality. In 3 years' time, if she keeps that mentality would she be able to get a "Good and responsible man?"(she could get a bad man, and that would make her life even more miserable because people of like minds meet themselves). That's a huge NO, but why? It is because she doesn't want to be honest and true to herself. If she is, she would know the root cause of her problem which is too much abuse of alcohol and she would then be able to figure out how she can be able to get rid of that bad habit. She wouldn't be able to find a solution to her issue if she isn't honest and truthful to herself and that's why I said earlier on, that for this practice to be effective, you have to be honest and truthful to yourself.


Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

We tend to lose focus, but by asking ourselves the right questions, we try to bring ourselves back to the path of achieving our goals and objectives. You need to constantly be asking yourself hard questions whenever you feel stuck or trying to make a big step forward so that you don't lose focus on your goals and objectives. By constantly asking yourself questions, you are putting yourself in check. If you would like to achieve your desired set goals and objectives for 2023 or even for this month of December, you need to be asking yourself questions, because you will find remarkable answers that would push you closer to your goals and objectives.

Till I come your way tomorrow, stay safe and ask yourself some hard questions today. Bye!!!


Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash


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