The Rise of Quantum Computing

in hive-175254 •  11 days ago 

Quantum computing is undoubtedly a sensation, a brand-new approach to computing which would allow to solve tasks that classical computers cannot address. As opposed to the conventional computers with data present in bits, quantum computers employ quantum bits or qubits that are in both 0 and 1 states in superposition. It makes quantum computers capable of performing computational tasks from computational chemistry to cryptography that is way beyond the capability of classical computers.


However, the classic application that is most exciting today with regard to quantum computing is cryptography. Algorithms that are resistant to quantum computers have been developed in the past due to the ability of quantum computers to break the most common encryption algorithms. Also, quantum computing may bring radical changes to the fields such as pharmaceuticals, material sciences, and computational optimization by providing simulations and analyses Tasks much faster than that of Supercomputers.

The leading IT giants such as IBM, Google, and Microsoft are focusing on the quantum development and striving for a quantum advantage – the situation when a quantum computer is capable of solving a problem that cannot be effectively solved by a classical computer. With such advancement in this technique, the potential for discovering game changing equities in industries or even in scientific studies can be expected.

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